Zezi moved a finger, consciousness rushing back into her veins. It didn't feel like she was in the water anymore, didn't feel like she was drowning anymore.
Instead, she felt the softness of the sheet beneath her and the smell of the first rain rushing into her lungs as she greedily inhaled.
Her eyelids flickered open at that moment, Valerick's hazy outline which was illuminated by the golden light of the room, was all she could see. His hair fell over his face as he hovered over her.
Another blink and she could see him clearly. He was alive, he was fine - that was if the familiar webbed lines that tattooed his neck were to be ignored, his peaking fangs and the dangerous look in his black eyes.
"Don't do that again," his cold voice warned, slicing through the silence, and the sound of clacking irons filled her ears as he moved away.