Chapter 135 - So This Is Love...

The dance finally came to an end, and as Valerick led them away from the dancefloor, Zezi peered over her shoulder, her gaze fixed on the door of the hall.

They still weren't here yet.

"Basit and Riza," Valerick said as they approached the couple and Zezi's heart skipped a beat.

He knew them?

Of course, he knew them. They had been part of his father's army.

They were not Volakys though, the former King hadn't turned them into that.

One wonders why.

They bowed lightly, showing their respect. They hadn't changed so much since the last time she had seen them, which was expected. Although, instead of Riza allowing her long white hair to flow behind her, she had it braided, so it wasn't sweeping the floor like it had been the night they had met. Basit still kept his full white beard that shrouded his face in mystery.

They were dressed in black, a sharp contrast to the color that went along with this type of occasion.

"It is good to see you both, thank you for coming."