Chapter 164 - A Taste Of Something Forbidden

While they spent time together once again, a displeased soul watched from the dark.

For Akeem, his ability to remain unnoticed for as long as he wished and to wield the dark to his will, was starting to feel like a double-edged sword.

It pierced his heart to watch his High Pillar with another, sharing moments that he had begged for but never received.

His own Sire.


He had seen enough to shatter his heart, therefore, he disappeared to deliver the extract he had in his fist to the Queen.

Even as he left, their whispers from the bar room followed him and haunted him. Her laughter floated to his ears, through the hallway as he departed.

If only she would ever laugh with him that way -at the things he said, if only she would ever allow his embrace without rebuking him and telling him that his feelings weren't what he believed them to be.

If only she acted with him, like she was doing with the wolf.

If only.