215 - You Should Be Angry

“Am I?”

He was breathing heavily, curling and uncurling his fists.

“Do I look like a saint to you?!” Her voice had lost its gentleness now.

“What would you call this?”

A moment of silence lapsed between them. She adjusted her blanket and laid on it. “You should go to sleep, you need it.”

He scoffed, his fists pushing into the mattress. “If you are doing this for Ka’ik, hoping that something would come out of it, hoping that it will buy me over then you are wrong.”

“Go to sleep. It will give you strength and a clear head—”

He was right by her side in a second, he yanked her hand so she was forced to sit and turn to him, his closeness ensuring that he was all she could see. “You should be angry!” He yelled in her face.

It was like a switch had flicked in her head. There was nothing in her eyes but madness, her face a mask of rage.