It's Awkward

Zoren happened to look up at her. She was the type to

look into his eyes which made him want her more. He imagined

how it would play out. However, he knew it would never

happen. It would only be in his mind but little did he know that it

would happen sooner than later. They stood there, both staring

intensely against each other.

To break the awkwardness Emmie spoke. "Do you need

help with that?"

She walked over to help him make the pizza. Their

hands touched as their eyes met for a second. Zoren took the

chance and kissed her. The way their lips were pressed against

each other felt like they were sinking in. Her lips were red and

gorgeous; it was soft to the touch and delicious. He noticed how

she didn't push him away or tell him to stop.

A smirk crept into his face. He was now confident that

he could go even further with her.

His hands began to caress her softly, lifting her up

towards the counter. Upon their clothes brushing against each

other, he was now about to make a mistake when the door

suddenly motioned to make a sound. A customer came in.

"Hello," the person said.

Emmie jumped up and ran to the front and took the

customer's orders. She felt her body still shaking from

nervousness. That was too close. She didn't know if she needed

to move quickly so the customers would leave, or to move

slowly so the customers would stay long, as she didn't know

what would happen when she was alone with Zoren.

Unfortunately, the customer didn't dine in. He just

ordered for take-out.

It seemed like things would decrease from here. Zoren

patiently waited for the customers to leave. There was no way he

would let this chance slip.

Emmie's heart was beating rapidly. It was hard to focus

on her work. She could still feel herself confused and

embarrassed by the events from earlier up until there was only

one customer left.

Upon the person leaving, he calmly walked towards the

door and turned the sign open and switched it to close.

Emmie walked towards him and tried to explain what

happened earlier was a mistake. However, she kept stuttering

and tripping over her words.

"Get it together," she thought to herself. As she

motioned to open her lips again, it was immediately met by


He didn't say a word and only grabbed her hand. He led

her towards the washroom and like a submissive wife following

her husband; it felt like she gave in.

Zoren's touch made her feel different. It was a foreign

feeling for someone like her; the way their skin was rubbing with

each other and his lips burying itself on her neck, she let out a


He didn't stop from pleasuring her until they reached the

washroom and locked the door.

"W-What are you doing?" she asked, stuttering.

Although she was half aware of the situation, she was still

confused and nervous. There were a variety of emotions

engulfing her, including that she was afraid and excited at the

same time.

Zoren grabbed her chin, gently lifting it up to meet his


"I don't want to stop this and it wasn't a mistake for me,"

he said. "You're all I'm thinking about." Using such a seductive

tone, naturally she would feel butterflies in her stomach. She felt

giddy hearing those words come out of his mouth as he leaned in

for another kiss.

She closed her eyes, welcoming him inside as his hands

started trailing towards her body. In no time she found herself

taking her clothes off, both of which were naked.

It was the first time a man had seen her naked. She

wanted to cover up her body quickly in shame but before she

could even do so, he put his hand on her chest.

Opposite to her thoughts, Zoren thought she was the

most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He gently removed her

hands covering her chest.

"You're so beautiful," he complimented. His eyes were

staring right back at her, his long eyelashes brushing against

each other as he blinks.

She could see the lust and adoration in his eyes. He put

her hands down on her side as he started to kiss her lips

passionately. She could feel his warm body hugging her as she

desperately hooked her arms to his shoulders. She felt her body

burning with millions of sensations mixed together.

It was a new feeling.

The bathroom was a little chilly with every cubicle

cleaned and disinfected. The rain was still pouring quite loudly

from the outside however, their bodies rubbing against each

other managed to fend off the cold.

For Emmie, it was even hotter to a point that she was

sweating. He lifted her up and placed her on the sink counter.

"Is this your first time?" Zoren asked full of concern.

"No," Emmie answered quickly.

"You don't have to lie to me," Zoren said with a hoarse


"I am not lying," Emmie replied with pride, trying to

hide the truth. She was obviously a bad liar, not being able to

meet his eyes as she said those words.

She felt his hand slowly touching her bare thigh. She bit

her lower lip. The man then reached towards his pocket and

showed a contraceptive to her.

Upon pulling it out, he placed it on the corner of the

sink. Since he knew it was her first time by the look in her eyes,

he thought of being gentle.

After a few seconds of staring at each other, Zoren

started moving himself again. He started caressing her all over

her body as he trailed it off with kisses and sucking.

To Emmie it felt good. It was a different kind of pleasure

she never felt before. A moan escaped her lips. It even sounded

so natural that she was surprised with herself.

She bit her lower lip, feeling something in between her

thighs. She was still unaware of everything but she knew she was

aroused by his movement.

As Zoren prepared her properly, a thought suddenly

crossed her mind. She thought that losing her virginity would be

painful, added that she was afraid.