I met Someone

I didn't react at Oddette's words. It was unsettling but

unneeded. I chose to stay quiet and only turned to look at the

front of the class. I saw my classmates sitting properly now.

It was then that I realized class was about to start. People

were whispering among themselves and some were even

squealing when a man came inside the room.

He was wearing a blue collared shirt along with khaki

pants. Upon his grip was a class record and as soon as he faced

the class, our eyes met. We were both surprised.

How could I not recognize the man I avoided at the


We all greeted him in unison and sat across our seats. I

managed to act indifferent but honestly, I feel embarrassed;

thinking how I kept declining his calls.

I heaved a deep sigh. Seeing him here means I'll be

seeing him frequently. He is also our class adviser so everything

seemed so awkward plus with my friend's words, Oddie is once

again free. Will I let him touch me again? Will I fall again? Will


As I was lost in my own thoughts, I felt Oddette tap me

lightly on the shoulder.

I glanced at her for a second, only to see her staring at

me. "Emmie, sir was asking you to introduce yourself," she


My eyes then widened in surprise and turned to look at

James. His orbs were fixated on me.

"I...I-I'm Emelia Valdez, sir," I said, stammering. I

couldn't look at him straight in the eye and so I immediately

lowered my gaze and bowed.

After that incident, nothing much has happened. James

only taught the basics since it was the first day of school and

along the way; I went home with Oddette instead of Miranda.

As we were busy conversing on the vehicle, I saw her

phone ringing. She shifted her gaze towards the screen only to

frown and decline the call.

Afterwards, she roamed her eyes towards me and asked.

"Emmie, can I invite you for dinner?"

"What's the occasion?" I asked in return.

Honestly, I've been dining in her house every now and

then, with or without any special occasions. It was a normal

routine for the two of us however, how should I say this? Things

have changed.

"Nothing much special," she said, shrugging her

shoulders. "It's just that my big brother will go back to work

now," she mentioned to which my heart started leaping again.

Even if I keep denying that I fell for him, I can never lie to

myself that I'm sad and feeling lonely.

I stared at her blankly.

I'm hesitating if I should accept it or not despite it being

our normal routine. It's been a while since I saw that jerk but

still, I'm upset and hurt by his actions.

I let out a deep sigh. Habits do die hard.

I had no choice but to accept the invitation. I was afraid

of the sibling's parents being worried about me and so I have to

sacrifice my feelings.

As I stared right through the entrance of their door, I

clenched my hand into a fist.

Here goes nothing.


"I'm glad you came," he said, the moment she knocked

on the door and the door swung open. His lips were curling into

a genuine smile as he gently led her by the wrist. "Can we talk

for a while before you come in?" he asked. "I'm sure my family

is still busy preparing food," he added.

Emmie stood there dumbfounded. She was speechless to

see Oddie waiting for her all this time.

She knew his mother's hobby was gardening and how

much she loves plants.

They made their way towards the garden with a swing in

the middle. It was then that she remembered their primary days

where she used to play with the siblings.

Oddie led her towards the gaping scenario and sat on the

swing. His hand then led her to sit on his lap to which she didn't

complain at all.

Where did all of her confidence go? It all disappeared