I was quite sick

Earlier when I arrived at school, I saw Oddette

approaching me with the same pout on her face. I couldn't

contact her yesterday due to the fact that I lost my phone and that

I was already running late to go to school.

"I've been waiting for you for so long," her friend

grumbled, the moment I closed the distance between the two of

us. "Why are you late?" she added, her arms were by her waist

as she furrowed her brows. I only let out a chuckle. "Anyway,

here's your phone." Upon seeing my device on her hands, my

forehead knitted into a thin line. How did she get this? I've been

looking all over the place for my phone. "You came to our house

yesterday but you never went inside. What happened?" she

continued, her face turning oddly strange.

"I had an upset stomach but thank you," I said as I

grabbed my phone from her hands.

"Well luckily, my brother found your phone at the

doorstep of our house," she uttered, escorting her friend inside

the classroom. "Anyway, how are you feeling?"

"I'm better now," I answered. "I'm sorry for yesterday. I

thought I could handle it after resting a bit at home but turns out,

I passed out on my bed," I lied.

"What? Then you're not yet okay!" she exclaimed to

which I laughed. I don't even know where I got these skills to

hide my feelings and lie with a straight face.

Since my parents died, I've learned a lot of things by

myself including not asking for other people's opinion and

striving to be submissive to some people.

I bit my lip as I realized what just happened. If Oddette

was holding onto my phone from yesterday, does that mean


A chill ran down my spine as I immediately opened my

phone. I didn't put any passwords on my phone so it was easy to

access it from the inside. My attention first went towards the text

messages only to notice Oddie's name disappear. He deleted it.

He deleted our conversation, our call history and even his

contact information on my phone.

How could he be so cruel to not leave me even with


I took a deep breath.

He was probably afraid that I might expose him about

everything that happened to us yet I will never. I don't want to

humiliate myself nor do I want him to feel embarrassed. I know

Oddette and Miranda will understand and so I stopped myself.

My hand balled into a fist as I continued to scroll on my

phone. I went to check my Facebook account, only to remember

that user who added me before.

I remembered him leaving me a message on my

messenger and I wasn't able to check it at all. I clicked my

messages and scrolled towards the logs. Upon seeing his name

on the side, I opened the message request only to see his

message unsent.

Did he remove it?

My forehead knitted into a thin line. That's a shame. I

was curious about what he might have wanted to say to me.

As I was lost in my own thoughts, I was only back to

reality when I heard someone's voice. His eyes were staring at

me with deep concern and seriousness as he grabbed my phone

away from my hands. Nervousness crept into my body as my

heart started pounding hard.

I couldn't believe what was happening. James scolded

me in front of the class due to my lack of attention. My face

turned bright red.

Again, if only earth could just swallow me whole