No issues

The sky launched itself with a sunny raise as I saw birds

flying and clouds forming. My lips curled into the sweetest smile

while my eyes wandered to look at my paper. Today was the

examination and earlier, I already received my paper.

"Congratulations Emmie, I'm so happy for you!" Oddette

exclaimed. I managed to fend off my failing mark to a point that

I only made two mistakes. "Just keep up the good work so you

can maintain your scholarship!" she added, embracing me into a

tight hug.

For some people, grades don't define them. They think

that it was a little incompetent to test the intelligence of the

student's capabilities base on just a written work. I can agree

with it. However, for people like me who use scholarship as a

means to study, I have no choice but to abide by the rules and

strictly border high grades for financial purposes. It also helps

me become independent and balanced when it comes to ruling

out in adulthood.

"Yes, you're right and it's all thanks to sir James," I

whispered. Only Miranda, Alfred, Oddette and I shared the

information of me learning through a private tutoring.

The day immediately ended without much to worry. I

was daydreaming the whole time and was waiting to stumble

upon him on the corridor however, there were no chances. It

looked like he didn't come to school at all. Was he absent? I

tapped my hand towards my desk. I feel lonely. He was the one

who made my day yet he isn't anywhere for me to boast how I

achieved high grades.

My face turned into a frown until I got home. He also

never told me that there was no tutoring today and so everything

seemed so bland.

The next day, upon the sun rising, Oddette and I decided

to go window shopping. Today was Sunday so we didn't have

any other plans aside from visiting the church and watching a

movie at the cinema.

Honestly, I just wanted to treat myself out of

gratefulness from my leaping grades.

When we finished the movie and had a small meal at the

mall, the two of us decided to go home. It was yet another

normal day not until I arrived home.

As I closed the door of our apartment, my eyes

immediately widened in surprise. James was in the living room

together with Miranda and Alfred. They were all having fun

among themselves.

I smiled.

I was feeling empty earlier despite having to celebrate

my grades but now I'm genuinely happy.

"We're sorry, sweetie," Miranda said as soon as I closed

the distance between the two of us.

"It's okay, you don't have to say sorry," I responded

"Go ahead and have fun, I'll just go change my clothes,''

I said as I excused myself. I headed straight to the staircase.

"Emmie, I hope you're not mad. We just wanted to have

fun after the long weekdays," she reasoned out. I could faintly

smell the aroma of beer from her breath.

"No issues, Miranda." I answered, my thumb pointing

upward. In school, I prefer to call my friends in a formal manner;

sir and ma'am yet as friends, when were the only ones hanging

out, I'd rather call them by their names.

She smiled at me. "Alright, go change and come down. I

cooked a yummy dinner for you." She wriggled her eyebrow up

and down to which I giggled.

When I came inside my room, I fixed myself on the

mirror. I wore a pink knee-length dress and stared at my gaping

stature. The pale color of the floral dress made me look simple

yet dashing.

Upon finishing with my preparation, I twisted the

doorknob open and slowly made my way downstairs.

I could see how they were having fun in the living room

and so I headed towards the kitchen. It was already past seven o'

clock in the evening that's why I was feeling hungry.

As my hands wandered to grab on the pot at the stove, I

opened the lid. The aromatic smell of chicken stew engulfed my

nose as freshly fried fish was served on a platter.

It was mouthwatering.

I immediately went to grab a plate and put food on it

before sitting down. I dug in at the food in front of me and as I

chewed on the savory flavor, my mind went wild.

I was in the middle of eating my meal when I heard a

familiar voice from behind me. Upon being startled, I choked

from the food I was choking to which I coughed.

"I-I'm sorry," he apologized and quickly gave me a glass

of water. I grabbed it from across his hand and then immediately

drank it. "I'm sorry that I scared you," he repeated.

I finished drinking the glass of water in my hand.

"Are you okay now?" he added as he sat next to me.

His face was a little red and the way his eyes were

squinting, I stared at him. If only I could touch his face and feel

those tiny hairs across his chin; it looks soft.

My eyes blinked several times upon noticing how he

was getting closer and closer.

In a moment, our lips touched, making me realize how I

wanted this to happen for so long.