I look to my home as Araragi halt his bike in front of my house.It was demolished. The windows and glasses were all on the floor.The roof wasn't even there.It was like no one even stayed there.I felt my body shake with all of its might."No..it can't be?!"To fool myself of false hope,I ran towards the rumble.I saw pictures of my family all over the floor cracked,but it was only my face in the pictures.The family reunion.The movie theater. My birthday parties.It only had my face.The rest of my family was cut out.I walk to my left where my old room was and my things were trashed as well.It was like my family didn't want me to find them or see them again.
"Mom,Dad,Brother...all of this... why?"I didn't know who I was asking but I start to yell.
Tears blurred my eyes as I see all of the remains of my home childhood.Crumble in front of me like when someone rips up paper into tiny bits.I had to come to terms that they left me."They left me.They left me,"I says, but my heart start to pound.
"Oi! Are you ok?"Araragi called out to me.I hear him but my heart was louder.
"No,it's not,"a familiar voice spoke up with a chuckle.I turn to see my best friend,Lyra,with her hand on her hips and a blank look."Couldnt you tell it wasn't when you destroyed it?"
"Destroyed it?!What are you saying,Lyra?I couldn't have done this?"I got up from the rubble.
"What?Don't you remember ,"best friend"?"she move her fingers into quotations when she said best friend,"You destroyed the house after you killed your parents!"
I shook my head.It couldn't be I didn't kill them."No I would never do that!Lyra, you know me!"
"I thought...best friends don't keep secrets from each other... "she crossed her arms and sneered.
"Lyra...,"I cry as I reach for her hand.
"DON'T TOUCH ME,YOU DEMON!"After that statement,she ran down the street.
"LYRA!!"I dropped to my knees as my heart twist and turn.I felt like I could die.Why did this happen?Why?I'm not a demon!"I'm not...I'M NOT A DEMON,"I yelled hoping someone will hear.
Araragi walk in front of me and let out his hand,"I don't think you are a demon."
I look with red swollen eyes wanting to hug someone so badly.I wanted my mom dad brother. I wanted them back.I started crying all over again.
Then,Araragi did something I wasn't expecting.
He hug and rub my back as I cried."What am I supposed to do now?"