Chapter Thirteen: "She Fades..."

Ethan Fest.

When I notice Karla pass out in front of me I automatically panic. I feel the change that none of us wanted to see and my heart races.

If Alex finds out about this, he'll kill me.

"There's a little problem, Alice," I say into the cell phone's intercom.

"What now?" She asks and I notice a hint of concern in her voice that she tries to hide with a clear throat.

"She just passed out."

"How does she have her eyes?" Her words make me frown.

"What does that have to do with this?"

"Do what I tell you, damn it!"

I approach her and open her eyelids and look at the color of her eyes. That glowing green has disappeared and a layer of black melts into her left eye. When I look at the right I realize that she is half the same color and the other a gleaming white. As I gawk at how the black man is eating everything, I explain to Alice what I am seeing.


"What's the matter?"

"It's a long story and we don't have time for explanations. See you in ten minutes, time right now is money. ”And she hangs up.

I stare at my phone screen without understanding anything and not knowing what to do next. Karla starts babbling nonsensical things and her head starts to move from side to side. My heart sinks in pain when she says his name in a broken voice. I approach her hoping that she can hear my words.

"Hey," I cradle her face in my hands, "Karla, wake up."

I grasp her hand and a shock propels me backward, my back crashing into the wall. I let out a groan of pain and turn my gaze to her when I notice the scent that infuriates me almost instantly when I feel it.

You can't take her yet, it's too early...

"He's with her," I say out loud and through clenched teeth as I patrol the room trying to find some solution to this until Alice arrives.

I go back to her, this time with more caution, and whisper a charm that Alex taught me to no avail.

"Please," I whisper, my voice breaking, "don't let the darkness consume you. I know it looks better but you know deep down that's not the way. For once fight against her and do not hide. "I put my forehead with hers and I repeat the charm". Do not let yourself be defeated."

I try to dispel the anger that dominates me and transmit positivity, but it is quite difficult for me when you know how this is going to end. I know that at this moment she needs strength and although I am not the best person for it, I take her hand so that she feels that she is not alone.

I hate this part of you. I hate that you had to do this to protect yourself from your father and his species. Stay with us, stay...