Adam Mendoza.
(The day Adam disappeared...)
I lick my lips savoring the bitter taste of my latte. I relax on the chair and immediately scold myself for being so relaxed at a time like this.
Karla is missing.
Aradia has taken control.
And me, here having a coffee in the cafeteria.
Yes, I have chosen the best time, I know.
When my cell phone rings I frown. And the moment I see the message I get up so quickly that some turn their heads looking at me. With great strides, I go to the register to pay and as soon as I leave the money on the counter I leave. I have to walk to... I have no idea. The message doesn't say much so I worry more.
And now that? How do I get where it is you want me to go?
My lips tighten as I realize I don't even have Alex's car. Yesterday was the party at my house. I left after seeing that there was nothing else from the other world. The truth is that I have seen better parties in all the years that I have lived on Earth.