The moment penny tell her she has to leave my baby tries to hold back her tears and runs inside!
"Was it too sudden? Did I do it wrong?" Penny asks me all sad.
"No, penny. She just got attached to you. She doesn't want you to leave." I tell her.
"Let's go inside."
We both get up and find baby girl sitting on the couch, hands crossed in front of her chest, pouting, unsolicited tears falling off her cheeks.
"Hey Sansa... baby, she'll be back soon. Please don't cry." I pick her up and put her on my laps.
"Go right now!" She grabs the teddy near us and throws it at Penny.
"Hey! Behave! You do that again and I'll punish you!" I warn her. She just ignores us. Penny looks sad and goes back to her room.
Sansa seeing penny sad, jumps off my lap and runs after her.
"Penny! Penny! Sorry. Please forgive me. Don't hate me." I see her hugging penny after I run after her to penny's room.
"Oh baby... I'll be back soon. I promise." She hugs her back.