Summer Days… 9B

=The most peaceful moments in the house were when Tanner and Peggy put aside their differences that no one understood and did things together. For example, on this particular day. They'd gone from both taking a visit to Shane's room, where he left them talking like it was either of their rooms, to deciding to watch a movie thirty minutes later. And since the screening room was for family movie functions only, they sat in the living room.

A calm came over Steph when she saw them both on the couch silently watching. Shane was in the corner, basking in the lack of quarrel from the two. He was sitting on a chair that backed a table no one used for anything during the summer. All three use to dump their bags there after school if they were going straight to the living room which rarely happened. Steph made the turn and went for Shane. Placing her hand on his shoulder as she sat on the table. "Hey." She whispered.

"Hi." He placed his hand on hers just before it slipped off. "Back from work?"

"Wow you noticed?" He scoffed, shaking his head. "You forget they can actually get along." She pointed out.

"Feels like a miracle." She nodded. He didn't see it, he just knew. "He's just jealous she took his spot as favorite. He was three. And he knew it."

She chuckled. "And you weren't jealous?"

"I've always been a big boy mom." He smirked.

Her hands came round his head and her chin rested on his soft black hair. He started shaking with laughter. She raised her chin and planted a kiss on the crown of his head.

He tried to shake her off. "Mom. Big boy remember?"

"Stop it." He chuckled. "I barely get these anymore. Let me have it."

"You always say that." He liked the warmth he was feeling.

"It's called making use of the opportunity."

"Fine." He gave up. Relaxing into it. "Five minutes."

Five minutes later he asked for another minute. Which she gladly held him for. And when she finally let go, she kissed his head again.

"If this doesn't scream favorite child, I don't know what does." He chuckled.

"We love you all equally. First born, only daughter, last born and-"

"The spare."

She hit the back of his head. "The fun loving, out going middle darling."

"So I only get one trait?" He turned back to look at her, an amused smile on his face, rubbing the back of his head.


"Tanner's charming."

"You're both charming. You're also a very good older brother and Peggy's love for you shows that." She ruffled his hair. "You all have individual traits that we love. Peggy's beautiful mind and courage."

"You know she hit Abby right?"

Steph gasped. "She did-"

"Steph." Travis called from behind a wall.

She looked back, saw her husband, nodded, looked back at her son and said, "Get them to the office in five minutes." She got down.

"Why? What for?" She flashed a smile and walked away. It was a good thing she walked away. He couldn't possibly tell her what led to Peggy hitting Abby. She liked Abby… for some reason.

Five minutes later… "… and then he says 'so I only get one trait?' So I come up with more on the spot. Like how charming he is. Which he gets from me." She placed her hand on her chest. Travis chuckled, amused. "And how he's a good older brother. He's also very smart and rational. I didn't tell him that part."

"He really called Tanner the spare?" As Travis asked, there was a knock. She shook her head and rolled her eyes. He chuckled again. "Come in!" He called, adjusting himself in his position as the home office door was pushed open.=

When it comes to talking to the children together, Travis always leaned against the front of his desk with his hands holding the edge of the furniture while Steph sat on hers and crossed her legs. No matter what they were talking to them about. Either all three or individually, they took the exact same position. If something was wrong, only the mood in the room changed. And when they aren't together, they sat on their chairs, behind their desks.

=Shane came in first, Peggy and Tanner right behind him. No doubt, he'd heard what his mother had said, he looked at her accusingly. "Were you telling him what I told you?"

She smiled brightly. "What are you talking about?" Travis spoke instead. "We were talking about spears, the weapon. She said he had a bad stare and I said spears." Travis looked at her. Her smile still bright, clearly fighting back laughter, she nodded. He flashed her a smile and chuckled. "Okay enough."

Shane knew the truth. But, their lie is saving him from having to have his brother find out he called him a spare. Which he isn't.

Peggy looked at Tanner, who was just as clueless as her. "Uhh… what's going on? Why are we here?"

"Don't you mean what are they talking about?" Tanner asked.

"Don't you think if they wanted us to know, what they just said will make sense?" He shrugged and nodded. "Daddy, why are we here? I was in the middle of a good movie."

"We were. Actually." Tanner corrected.

Travis sighed. "You know if you just wait a little you'll know why you're here. Which is that you're here cause we want to talk to you guys."

"Obviously." Shane muttered.

Travis glanced at him. "Would you like to take over?"

"It's not me. They're the ones who-"

"Enough." Steph spoke up. "Speak please. You three, shut up."

He cleared his throat. "We're taking the yacht out for the last month of summer."

Peggy's eyes grew wide with excitement. "We're finally going?"

"Yeah." Travis nodded. "Someone is use to school by now. He doesn't need his home as a crutch."

"Shane." Tanner pointed at his brother and laughed. "You big baby."

"Let's see how you handle going off to college after being away from all your familiar things for a month. Only to go somewhere else that's unfamiliar."

"I'll handle it splendidly thank you very much." He said with pride. Shane elbowed him in the stomach. Tanner was still a little behind in height. "Ah!"

"Stop it!" Travis pointed. The fake cry of pain vanished and Shane's hand went down.

"We still have a few weeks so get prepared." Steph ordered. The children looked at each other. As if speaking to themselves in their minds. "What?" She asked, eyes wide with curiosity."

"Spending a month with you, we know. But daddy?" Peggy asked.

"You think I won't come with you." "More like know." Tanner stuffed his hands in his pocket, Shane folded his.

"Rest assured, I'll be there. I can work remotely."

"For a month." Peggy stated.

"I've been here haven't I?"

"You have offices here."

"Shane, Tanner, Peggy. Trust your dad okay? He's coming with us. He definitely is." All skepticisms were cured instantly. Between her calm voice and her words, completely gone. And in its place, excitement for the trip to come.

That night, Peggy was in her room. Music playing softly from her speakers. She was lying in her bed, her drawing pad open in front of her, drawing away and humming to the music playing. Bobbing her head along with the song.=

Peggy loved to draw. Completely amazing at it and she worked so effortlessly to bring beautiful images to life. More than once she'd drawn her parents and brothers and even herself.