They Bring Him… 10B

=The door swung open and- "What's up kid?" His mother's bright smile hit him hard.

"Wow cool room." Peggy's in awe voice made him look down and see her, while her body was outside, her eyes and mind were clearly already inside.

He couldn't believe they were here. His mom clicked her tongue in disapproval and she assessed him. "I leave you alone for four months and you grow taller without my permission?"

"Shame!" Tanner's voice first, then he appeared behind his mother. "Shame on you Shane."

Peggy giggled. "Shame on Shane. Shane on shame."


"I asked permission." Tanner announced, draping his hand over his mother's shoulder.

"Yeah that's probably why you're still a little behind. And I thought you were on my side." He glared at Peggy as she stepped aside.

She shrugged. "It's just a fun thing to say." She rushed into the room, looking around and touching whatever she could get her hands on.

"Hey man, I'm sixteen, I've got time." Tanner said, stepping forward from beside his mother and going in.

Shane shook his head. "Hi mom." She stretched out her hands and he went in for the hug. "This is a pleasant surprise."

"Did you really think I would let you stay away for so long without me seeing you?"

He chuckled as he let go. "Right. I would have gone back without coming home."

"As if I'd let you do that." Peggy called.

"Ha ha! Sucks to be you." Tanner.

"I won't let you go that easily either." Steph announced, finally walking in.

"Ohhhh! I so can not wait to see the look on your face." Shane said to Tanner.

Tanner ignored his mother. "Oh you'll have to. It's two years from now." He turned to her. "Smother me now mom but when the time comes, I-"

"Look at him." Steph smiled. "He's talking like he won't freak out when the time comes. Remember-"

"Hey! No! I was a kid then."

"Then huh?" Travis walked in.

"Dad." Shane's eyes widened in surprise.

"Did they do the whole room service thing?" Shane nodded as his dad pat him on the back. "You look good." He assessed him.

"Can I have Sawyer's room."

"Come on Pegs don't be creepy." Tanner begged.

"I'm not." She defended. "I want to switch rooms. His is bigger and-"

"Don't go making him wish we stayed home Peggy. Unless you want to share with your dad and I ?"

Wide eyes to unforeseen terror looked at Steph. "No thanks." The words were quick.

He finally shut the door that had been open for nearly ten minutes. "Thanks mom."

"So what's fun to do ar-"=

"Mate, your phone's ringing." Tate reported. More focused on the game he was playing with Tom.

Sawyer looked up from the desk were he was writing with a lost look on his face.

They'd dragged the game with them and hauled it into Sawyer's room with them when they dropped by. As far as Sawyer was concerned they barely left. Not in the two days since they'd arrived. In that time they'd all gone out and seen movies and played video games and consumed more food than he would have done alone or with otto. Of course Travis was with them for some of it. Just not the video game part.

"His phone's ringing?" Tom dropped the controller. Realizing what Tate was yet to. He rushed to the vibration. "It really is ringing." The fresh belief got Tate's attention. And it's a- a Hannah Barbra."

No longer lost, Sawyer got up from his chair. "Hand it over."

"There's a Hannah Barbra?" Tate was up, filling with mischief. He wasn't the only one. Tom was on the verge of letting his mischievous deeds out. "Do you know a Hannah Barbra?"

"No." Tom answered, shaking his head. He looked down at it, his thumb hovering over the green icon.

Sawyer calmed himself. He was between two ferocious beasts that could strike at any moment. "Don't do anything stupid alright?" The best friends shared a look. "Just hand it over."

"It's going to go off any minute mate."

"Let it!" He lost his calm. It came back, "Just Don't answer it alright?" It stopped ringing.

Tom and Tate looked at the blank phone screen. "Let's call her back." Tom declared.

"No!" Sawyer rushed and snatched it from his brother's hand. The phone started to ring again.

"You gave it to him?"

"I took it from him."

"How was I supposed to know it would ring again?"

"Hello?" "Shhhh!" Tom and Tate chorused.

Sawyer glared from one to the other then turned around. "Hi." He started towards the door.

"The door!" Tom called in a loud whisper. Before they could run for it, Sawyer did and closed the door with them inside. "Crap!"

"Ouch!" Tate sounded hurt.

Sawyer couldn't help chuckling. "What?" Hannah asked

"Nothing. Just my brothers." He strolled down the purple carpeted corridor to his left.

"I didn't know you have brothers."

"One. And his friend."

"They've been with you all this time?"

"No…" he made a turn for the stairs.

"Oh good you're back." Tate said when Sawyer walked back in. "How long was that?" He asked Tom.

"Umm…" Tom looked at his watch. "About fifteen minutes."

Tate mouthed the answer. Sawyer smirked. "Shouldn't you be playing."

"We are." "Your video game idiots." Although it was Tom who answered.

"Come on mate. Don't make us ask. Just tell us."

Tom was nodding in agreement while Sawyer shook his head at them. There was no way out. They would find a way. Plus, what's he hiding? "Hannah Barbra. That's her name."

"We got that much." Tate stated.

"She's my friend."

They stared at him with full expectations and got nothing. They shared a look. "What?" Tom asked. "You just spoke for fifteen minutes. That can't be it."

"We went on three dates before school got out."

Again they waited. "Are you this terrible at giving information? Spill mate."

"I don't know what you're looking for. I told you about her Tate."

"Oh right. It's the same girl? I remember you said you went on a date. Clearly there's more."

Tom looked at them. "I wasn't told anything." He wanted to know. "Just tell us how you know her. If she's the fourth of fifth girl you've dated in college. That kind of stuff." Tom set out the line.

"Second actually. There was Laura but she's dating someone else."

"Just two?" "Shush Tom. Now the other part."

He told them the not exactly interesting tale. "So you weren't planning to help?"

"That's your take away?" Tom asked.

"What else is there?"

"He should have let her ask him out."

"Does it matter who does? Plus Laura did that."

"Are you guys really arguing about this?" He asked, completely amused.

"No." The chorused.

"Anyway. Are you going to ask her to be your girlfriend?"

"I don't know yet." He rubbed the back of his head. "I think so. I don't see why not."

"Good. Then I can throw that in Abby's face."

Tate chuckled, patting his friend on the back and going back to his sitting position and his video game.

Sawyer's eyes followed Tate. "I take it your satisfied?"

"Yeah." Tom joined him. Sawyer shook his head. He looked back at the table where his book and pen where waiting for him. Instead, he went to join the boys, picking up a controller that had been waiting for him for some time.

=Mother and daughter strolled through the streets. Bags of all sorts they'd bought in their hands. Peggy, completely excited for the few weeks till she'll be going to school. She'd already began thinking of when to wear the new outfits she'd bought. She was lost in thought. Planning her school behavior. She intends to be fun like her brother. Tanner might be kinda popular, but she would be popular. Friendly and to Tanner, annoying sometimes just for the fun of it. Oh and to Abby, who can't keep her eyes and hands off Sawyer, all the glares and looks of pure disdain would be the most pleasing thing for her. And maybe now, Trip would finally ask her out. After all, she'll be a high schooler like him. Her thoughts were reflected by the mischievous expressions her face kept giving off.

After minutes of watching the facial expressions displayed, most of which were just darling and had Steph smiling more and more every time she looked at her daughter, Steph finally spoke. "Hey." Peggy looked at her. "What's going on in that head of yours?"

Peggy smiled and shook her head. "You don't want to know."

Steph chuckled. "Are you planning to murder someone?"

"Will you help me get rid of the body?"

Steph's smile vanished. She had to be joking right?! "Margaret."

"Oh come on mom." Peggy waved her hand. "I was just planning high school."

"Planning high school?" She repeated. Knowing why Peggy had said she didn't want to know. Her talks of school had increased since the month began. To think her excitement could still grow.

"Yeah." Peggy kept her eyes on the sidewalk ahead of them.

"Tell me."

A tight smile came across her face. "Let's eat. I'm starving." Yeah, she is excited about school. She also understands that they're tired of hearing her talk about it. Even now. She'd thought about her school character more than once. She intended to keep her thoughts to herself. "Do we even have time? When are the racks coming? I can not wait to choose. And I'll call Sherry to help us choose. It'll be fun."

Steph spared seconds to see her daughter. Knowing exactly what she was doing. While Peggy is not exactly as considerate as she considers Shane to be, she gets there. Sometimes it made her feel guilty. Today however, she was actually curious. "Don't change the subject Pegs, tell me."

"I'll ask Shane to call room service. It's faster that way. So we can like, kill two birds with one stone or whatever." She twisted her wrist despite all the bags in her hands and managed to get her phone from her dress pocket. "I think I want a tea dress." She said, dialing his number and forcing her phone to her ear. She scoffed at the hassle it was to do. "Can we get a cab now? I'm tired of walking and these bags- we should have just taken-"


"Shane! We're starving. Can you order room…"

While she talked, Steph hailed a cab. Shaking her head at her complain and wondering when she got so stubborn. Less than than two minutes later they got in a cab.=

Sawyer flipped back between pages. Ten pages behind, he found something that included a yacht and in front, he had an impromptu visit. He didn't want to let go of what could have been for what… could have been. He raked his hand through his hair. He would just write them both. They were both possible after all…