Alternatively If… 12B

Having grown bored entirely from reading and watching her husband work. Because working remotely didn't exactly mean no work for some time, Steph left him to it, turned off her phone and went for a last minute spa day. On her way out, she saw the boys who were watching anime this time, and knocked on Peggy's door without getting an answer. Without thinking about it too much, she left. Passing her daughter outside without realizing and off she went. It is a vacation after all.

What could be better than spending the day being treated with care. When her sons think talking about their girlfriends with her is uncomfortable and her daughter has resolved to keeping what makes her happy to herself, not to mention her husband who- she sighed. Reminding herself that she's supposed to be relaxing not thinking so hard. Of course everything will pass. For a moment, a thought crossed her mind. Did Shane and Sherry break up because everyone was involved, so to speak, in their relationship? Her answer? Unlikely, cause she knows the new boyfriend. And she talks with Abby and Tanner doesn't complain. It would seem, no one but Shane and Sherry will know why they broke up.

While they worked on her skin and face and… all. She worked on new designs in her head and while avoiding the thought that she would have to call and check on a few patients of hers. Some times it's hard not to let herself worry. About her children and her patients and her fashion line and her husband. She was clenching her jaw. She reminded herself to relax again. Away from her family for a few hours and she's doing this to herself. She scoffed and let herself sink into her spa sessions. About an hour later, "Missus Wade? A call for you?" The spa receptionist announced.

"Hello?" Distrust in her voice.

"Stephanie, where the hell did you go?"

"I we- I'm at a spa." Her forehead creased.

"A spa? Why didn't you tell me?! I've been looking for you. Why the hell is your phone off?!"

"Don't yell at me."

"You should have told me Steph!"

"You? Like you'd even hear what I'm saying."

"Of course I would." She scoffed. "Steph!"

"I told you!" She warned. The calm she had leaving her. Anger taking its place.

"You should have told me. We were worried." He couldn't decide whether to ask if Peggy is with her or not to. It could cause more problems. On second thought, she could have said 'we' instead of 'I'.

"We? What do you mean we."

"What else do I mean?"

She sighed. "Did you ask Shane and Tanner?" Silence. "I didn't tell you because I know you weren't paying attention. So I told them. So go and yell at your just as forgetful sons and let me have my time." She hung up with a sigh. Now more tensed than relaxed. She looked at the receptionist ready to take back the phone. "I might need to relax all over again." The receptionist smiled.


Peggy didn't answer the phone. Instead she went straight to Shane's room then Tanner's when there was no answer from Shane's. Her scowl still on her face. Furious for the break in her flow they'd caused. She forced herself to keep from banging the door. And when it opened, "Where were you?!" Shane opened up and immediately asked.

"What? What?!"

"Where were you? We've been looking for you for hours. Even dad's out looking."

"Peggy! Where the hell did you go?"

"I was outside."

"Get in here!" Shane ordered.

"Don't be mad at me just because you were worried. I- you- your stupid call stopped me."

"Stopped you? Tanner folded his hands, watching her enter and close the door behind her.

"I was at the café, drawing. And you just-" she groaned.

"Is mom with you?" While Shane asked, Tanner was calling his dad to let him know there was no need to worry… about one person.

"I haven't seen her today."

"Pegs you were gone for hours. Did you expect us not to worry? Hey dad?"

"You stupidly didn't tell anyone. Is something wrong with you?" Shane asked.

"Should I stay here and do nothing? I just went out for a bit."

"For hours Margaret and we can't find mom either and she's not picking up her phone."

"She's probably out doing something. Like I was before you interrupted me. I lost a sheet because of that."

"A sheet? We're worried about you and you're problem is a sheet of freaking paper? Are you crazy?!" Shane inched closer to her.

"Whoa! Shane, calm down."

"She goes out without anyone knowing for hours and I should calm down?" He snapped at Tanner.

"What were you doing for hours huh? Video games? Texting? Calling? When did you even notice I was gone?!"

"Hey don't turn this around on us." Tanner stepped between them.

"Why shouldn't I? I knew where I was. Outside the hotel. I would have been back when I wanted to come back."

"You're almost fourteen years old. You're not-"

"You are a kid." Shane stated.

"I just went out for a bit."

"Hours." They chorused.

"Give me a break! You're sixteen and you're eighteen. You're not forty or whatever. Thanks for interrupting me. I'm going to my room." She turned around to leave. She opened the door and saw her dad.

Relief washed over him. "Pegs where were you?" He asked calmly.

"Outside, drawing and she lost a sheet." Shane reported.

She turned back and glared at him. "I just went out for a bit."

"We've been looking for you for like-" "Hours. I heard."

"Tell someone next time. Okay? Please?" She nodded. "And you two." He looked at the boys. "Your mother came to your room and you don't remember what she told you?"

They looked at each other. Suddenly no longer angry. "We were…"

"Tv no doubt." Peggy pointed out. She scoffed at them.

"Watch it Peggy!" Tanner finally got upset.

"How irresponsible can you be?"

"We forgot." Shane admitted.

"Exactly. Irresponsible."

"I'm going to my room." Peggy announced and was leaving again when-

"Sid!" Shane called

Anger ran through her. She kept herself from turning around.

"I am eighteen and I've been here nearly three months and dad knew where I was going everyday."

She let out a heavy sigh and spun around, ready to speak. "He's right Peggy." Travis spoke instead. Peggy glared at her brothers and growled. "Stop it."

"He shouldn't call me that."

"He's sorry."

"No he's not." All three children chorused.

"I'm not sorry either."

"Why are you all being so stubborn?!" Travis yelled, a deep scowl on his face taking over his once calm state. "All irresponsible in one way or another! Go to your rooms!" Peggy was gone immediately.

"I'm already in mine."

"Don't be smart with me Tanner." Travis warned. "Shane, get out." He pointed at the door.


Steph returned two hours later. It was evening. Travis hadn't looked at his work or phone in the hours since he started looking for them. When the room door made a beeping sound and clicked open, Steph walked in to see him glaring at the door. "Had a nice time?"

"I'm not in the mood Travis." She closed the door.

"We couldn't find Peggy."

"What?" She suddenly felt weak. Shocked by the reveal.

"We were looking for you and her. She said she went out to draw."

"She said? So she's fine?" He nodded. Instead of relief, anger. "So instead of apologizing, you're telling me you couldn't find Peggy? Why?" She walked over to the chair he was sitting on, standing right in front of him. "To scare me? So I'd know how worried you were?" He didn't say anything. "Unbelievable Travis. You've been doing whatever you want when you're away. So have I. I go where I please and so do you. For the kids, sure. But not me."

"Should I not be worried?"

"That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying apologize for yelling. Instead of trying to scare me. I told the boys where I was going. It's a simple thing Trav. Don't complicate it." She walked away from him. Into the bedroom and into the bathroom, shutting the door.

Two minutes later he got up and went to the closed bathroom door. "Steph?" He knocked.

No answer. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I just wished you'd told me. I'm sorry." The door clicked open.

She came into view, frowning. "I'm sorry too."

Another fifteen minutes later the children were in the suite. Standing before their parents. All still upset, avoiding eye contact for fear of being scolded for glaring. "Irresponsible." Travis said.

"Peggy. You just had to tell someone. That's all."

"I was just-" Steph shook her head. "Always tell someone. Apologize to your brothers."

Peggy sighed, "I'm sorry."

"Both of you apologize to her."

"What?" Chorus. "But she-"

"Now!" Shane was interrupted. "I didn't do anything." Tanner declared.

"Now!" Travis ordered. A chorused sigh as they both turned to her. "I'm sorry." Another chorus.

"Apologize to your mother you two. Getting carried away and forgetting what she told you completely? Unacceptable behavior. From Peggy maybe. She's still young, but you two are old enough to know much better. Much much better."

"She's only thirteen."

"As I said." He said through gritted teeth. Annoyed by the back talk. "Old enough."

"In other words, yes. She's only thirteen. But that's no excuse Peggy. You shouldn't get angry when you're called out for doing the wrong thing."

Peggy nodded.

"I'm waiting for that apology." Travis clapped once.

"I'm sorry mom." a nearly perfect chorus.

"Back to your rooms. Individual rooms." Travis ordered.

"I'm sorry I made you worry daddy." Peggy tacked on with wide eyes. Travis nodded with a small smile.

"Come Peggy. Let's go to dinner." Steph got up and led her daughter out of the suite.