Let’s Just… II 27A

She did just that. Keeping herself busy. From one thing to the other, keeping her headphones on. Even chatting with her friends. Until it got dark and she was hungry. She tried at first. Ignoring the rumbling in her tummy to avoid Trip. Until she realized it was ridiculous. Trip might spend the night. And even, they probably have all already gone home. But as a precaution, she left her headphones on and left her room.

A curious peek in the living room, they weren't there. But the video game CDs, controllers and even the bowls from their snacks were scattered all over the living room. Not to mention spilled snacks and cans. It looked like a party. She went to the screening room. There they were. Girls and guys. From Christopher to David. All watching a movie. Bradley and George had girls on their laps. Satisfied with her peek, she left. Unaware that she had been noticed.