Keeps On… I 37A

No no no no no no no no! This can’t be happening! She has to have lunch with him? See his face again before Monday? Sit so close to him, wanting to look at him and not look at him at the same time? Undoubtedly tortured even more by what he said and did? This can’t be happening! What did she do to deserve this? For telling him no just once or for ignoring him? This can’t be fair. Oh no! Steph is observing her, what kind of face is she making? Her mind raced with so many different questions that she started to get a headache.

Her eyes were wide with disbelief, her mouth dried up and hanging slightly open, her head forward a bit, her hands squeezing the palette and brush, her entire body trembling, but unseen and her unseen heart pounding in her stomach. But of course only her facial expression was noticeable and it was indeed noticed.