Keeps On… II 37B

Of course Sawyer has no idea if Christopher would ever have been this way with Peggy. The only people’s true characters he knows are his family’s. But times he had been around to see Tom’s friends over, they had all been friendly to her and him so it is possible. And even then… it doesn’t make it less possible. Plus it’s fun compared to screaming and crying. Slightly uncomfortable as it made him to write down some things.


=Steph used her little finger to rub under her right eye, looking over files of her incoming patients, swiping her screen. Though her eyes saw the words and picked some out, her mind was far and has been for the last few days. Her usually cheery home was filled with silence and Tanner’s loud music. No whining for Tanner to stop, no yelling for Peggy to stop, no threats, absolutely nothing. Does Tanner not know that Peggy is in a bad place or are they fighting? Is that why she’s been upset?