=Mona laughed in pure delight. “And you said you have nothing going on at home.”
“Technically this is Peggy’s thing.” Steph clarified, sitting on Travis’ desk chair in their home office.
“It’s rather exciting.”
She looked at the phone against her ear. “It would be if she isn’t my child. You know how Trip is, I cannot say I trust that these boys are not the same.”
“What senior would have done that in our day? They saw us as little kids.”
“They wanted a little kid. If they insisted she was too young only to go back on that, they were probably crossing something off a bucket list.”
“She’s out of Trip’s league now.” Mona laughed some more.
“Shut up Mo.” Slightly annoyed.
“What? After everything you’ve told me, it’s a good thing.”
She’s not wrong. “At the very least it’s a good experience.”
“Oh really?”
She can tell Mona is amused. “No I mean knowing she has to stand her ground on somethings, making quick decisions.”