Talks About… I 54A

Sawyer opened his room door after the first knock he knew very well with a smile on his face, welcoming his friends who had been called ‘discounts’ a few days ago. Not that he remembered that part. “Hey guys.” He left the door open and went towards his reading desk.

“Uhhh… excuse you.” Noelle rushed to him and forced him to face her. “I need a hug man, it’s been an entire week.” She hugged him and he chuckled, hugging her back.

“Why were you gone a whole week? The memorial was for a day.” Otto asked and pointed out after he had closed the door.

Right. What did he tell them? “I didn’t go.” He answered when he stepped back from Noelle’s hug. Taking in the sudden shocked looks on their faces. “Don’t ask. I’m begging you.” It was more of a warning than a plea. It should have been a plea, why was it a warning?