Tom jolted up when he heard the footsteps coming towards his room. “I’ll call you later sweet stuff.” His heart that had been pounding ten minutes ago when the car drove up to the house was pounding again. “Say hi to my queen for me.” He ended the call before she could say anything and tucked it under his pillow and glared at the door, wondering what glorious lines they will feed him tonight.
The door opened Travis came in first, then Elias and followed by Sawyer. Travis, looking at the floor, rubbed his head in the silence filled with expectation. He let out a silent breath and shot his head up. “You have no right to question me.” He watched Tom’s face contort with confusion and anger. Sawyer was shocked by the turn. “No! Not that! You are not allowed to shout at me! Ever! For whatever reason, no matter how good!