Catch Up… I 62C

They were yet to start cleaning up. Sawyer was too stunned. “And this girl is your girlfriend now?”

Tom nodded excitedly. “So anyway, I saw her… and I told her and she barely reacted, she was like, ‘oh good, you’re smart.’ But that’s not all… and I tried talking to her during regular school days but she wouldn’t even look at me or let me come close to her.”

“So you antagonized her then stalked her? Let’s forget the secret part. You ignored every sign from her to stay away. Why?”

“I honestly still don’t know. I was bored at first but it became interesting. Who she is, why does she do that... People say they’re different and not really are, but she was. She is. I know you can tell from what I’m saying. I’m not making this up.”

Bone chilling sure as hell is different. He nodded. “So what happened?”