Bad Summer… I 65B

“Why are you panting? Were you still out?” Steph asked. “It’s pretty rare for you to be out and your brothers are at home.”

“What’s rare is Shane being out and we’re at home.” Tanner pointed out.

“How? What’s that supposed to mean?”

Tanner shrugged. “You have less friends here than you do at home. That’s all.”

Peggy stepped beside Steph. “Can I go next? I want to know how much taller I am.” She stretched out her arms, tilting them as she admired them. “I’m probably thinner too.”

“First sight first serve Angel.” Steph said as she typed in the numbers for Shane’s head.

“You’re making hats too?” Tanner asked.

“I might.”

“Oh! I almost forgot why I came running.”

“Why were you running?” Shane and Steph asked simultaneously.

“Felix.” She said as her eyes widened, asking them if they can believe it. “Asked me why I don’t have a fling.” Something about the silence that followed was weird.

“He did?” Tanner asked, suddenly looking annoyed.