Two months later.
Sawyer looked at his watch for the third time since his class ended and probably the eighty eighth time since he woke up. A little giddy and anxious. He still had a few more classes left. Though it’s already noon. He would have to go get them. And this isn’t three years ago when Tom came and got to see his room, this time it’s different. Only because he has a different room, but still. And even if he did have the same room, would Tom know where it is?
“Excuse me.”
A voice behind him, rushing up to him interrupted his excited thoughts. He turned around, made to look at a girl he’d never seen before. “Yes?” His face blank for a second before he smiled.
“Hi.” She smiled as brightly as she could despite looking confused. She had a bag over her shoulder and her phone in her hand, the other holding on to a pamphlet that had been around campus all day.
“Hi.” His greeting holding expectation.