V2 Luna's Corner 1:

It's Luna's Corner ^_^

I'm your host Luna the cute and lovely intergalactic idol.

And this is my partner Ultrabot...

"I come in peace!"

For some reason he loves cabbages...

"Praise the cabbages!"

And worships them.

(Luna takes out a cabbage and put's on front of Ultrabot and Ultrabot starts bowing down to the cabbage.)

"I am not worthy thy cabbage!"

Clank* Clank*


(Luna takes the cabbage out of Ultrabot sight.)


Anyway, let's start with the first topic of the day.

Drum roll please!

Dum* Dum* Dum* Dum*

Air bike Yeay XD

Do you all know what an air bike is?

How about you Ultrabot? Do know what an Air bike is?

"Cabbage rules!"


Ehem! Air bike is a type of bike that levitates in air though the use of anti-gravitational sensor and air pressure to make it move.

In other words, it's just like a repairbot. The only difference is that you can ride it. Though I have, ride a repairbot before like a horsy and it was so fun ^_^

Except for the part when I crashed into my brother and we both ended up grounded for a month.


"Your brother needs cabbages."

Why is that Ultrabot?

"So he can attain enlightenment."


That's so weird! (Whispers)

"Praise the cabbages!"

Anyway, moving on to the next topic of the day.

Drum roll please!

Dum* Dum* Dum* Dum*

Mood Crystal Yeay!

Do you all know what a Mood Crystal is?

How about you Ultrabot? Do you know what a Mood Crystal is?

"All I need is cabbages!"

Alright! I'll take that as a no ^_^


Anyway, a Mood Crystal is a crystal that changes it's color according to the owners mood. They said that the Mood Crystal changes it's color by absorbing the color of your aura. If you don't know what an aura is, search it on the uninet. Even I don't know what it is.

Teehee :p

Anyway, the Mood Crystal is often made into accessories like rings, pendant, necklace and etc. They are so pretty and expensive, that's why I ordered one on the uninet right now.

I hope it arrives tomorrow ^_^

"The path cabbagism is to discard all your necessities and be one with the cabbage."

(Ultrabot raises his right hand, and he started glowing.)

Alright! Now for our last topic of the day.

Drum roll please!

Dum* Dum* Dum* Dum*

Ask Luna Yeay XD

So here's the deal!

You ask me questions by posting comments on my fan page, and I'll read it out loud and answer it for you. If there's a question, I couldn't answer, I'll pass it on to Ultrabot.

Is everyone ready?

Here we go!

First question by makemyday.

What do you prefer for breakfast, waffles or pancakes?

I prefer ice cream ^_^

Next question by dEatHrAy.

What is the tallest mountain in the entire universe?

Hmm... This one is hard...

Ultrabot, what is the tallest mountain in the entire universe?

"Mt. Neverest!"

There you go ^_^

Next question by somedaydreamer.

What is cabbagism?

Hmm... I dunno.

Ultrabot, what is cabbagism?

"Cabbagism is the path to enlightenment by adoring and worshiping cabbages."

That's is so weird. (Whispers)

"Praise the cabbages!"

Next question by Crackadoodeldoo.

Praise the cabbages...

"Praise the cabbages!"

Hey! That's not even a question >_<

"Praise the cabbages!"

Ehem! Next question by MerryGoLover.

Power to the cabbages...

"Power to the cabbages!"


Next question by Repolio.

Cabbage rules...

"Cabbage rules!"


Next question by Backslapper.

Cabbages are-

Please stop spamming me with cabbages >_<


Now I hate cabbages!

"I'll convert you to cabbagism!"

No thanks!

Ehem! Next question by unknownqueenzie.

Please be normal (Whispers)

What is your most embarrassing moment.

Thank you so much ^_^

Anyway, my most embarrassing moment is when I accidentally called my teacher mommy.

Ooh! That was so embarrassing. (Hides blushing face with hands)

Ehem! Next question by-

Oops! Sorry! Time's up!

I'll be sure to read and answer your questions at the next Luna's Corner.

That is all for today.

See you next time!

Bye bye ((\^_^/))