V2 Luna's Corner 2:

It's Luna's Corner ^.^

I'm your host Luna the lovely and cute intergalactic idol.

This is my partner Ultrabot...

"I come in peace."

He had an upgrade recently and now he's Ultrabot 3.0 Yeay XD


And he won't say random stuff anymore ^_^


Or not!

"Fried cockroaches!"

Eeeew >_<

"Peanut juice!"

Are you sure you had an upgrade Ultrabot?

"Talk to my manager!"


Moving on to the first topic of the day.

Drum roll please!

Dum* Dum* Dum* Dum*

Rainbow Tea Yeay XD


Do you all know what a rainbow tea is?

How about you Ultrabot, do you know what a rainbow tea is?


Okay Ultrabot! I'll explain it for you then.


At least he's honest. (whispers)


And a perv. (whispers)

Ehem! Anyway, rainbow tea is made out from dried rainbow weeds that grow on rainbow grass.

Naturally, you don't eat weeds.

Only cows do and some other cute fluffy animals but this rainbow weed is special. You know why?


Because it taste so yummy XD


Not only that, it also has a lot of vitamins and minerals which is essential for having a healthy diet and keeping your body in shape.

"Sexy dynamite!"

I love rainbow tea so much that I drink it every day!

See ^_^

(Takes out a plastic cup filled with rainbow tea and finishes it with one gulp)

Yummy XD


If you're asking me what it tastes like, it taste exactly like mix berry milk shake ^_^

Ooh! Speaking about milk shakes, I tried making one with my brother.

Ooh so fun!

We use alot of yummy ingredients to make the milk shake like chocolates, candy canes, straw berry, cookies, potato chips and roast chicken.

Yum yum!

After we had made the milk shake, we both tried it out but we end up vomiting because it was so disgusting.

Eeew >_<

I wonder what went wrong.

"There's no milk!"

Oh! No wonder it tastes so horrible.

Thank you Ultrabot for pointing it out.

"No problem!"

Anyway, moving on to the next topic of the day.

Drum roll please!

Dum* Dum* Dum* Dum*

Blue cherry Yeay XD

Most of you probably already know that blue cherry is my favorite flavor when it comes to sweets but what is blue cherry exactly?

Ultrabot, do you know what blue cherry is?

"A fruit!"

That is correct!

Good job Ultrabot ^_^

"Yeay me!"

Like Ultrabot has said earlier, blue cherry is a fruit but it's not just an ordinary fruit.

Blue cherry is a super fruit!


Because it's a fruit that gives you tons of energy just like instant coffee.


Anyway, blue cherry is a fruit that grows on the planet Noreissia from the Nordean galaxy.

It says that blue cherry only grows on the sky islands that flutter around like clouds that are all over planet Noriessia.

I can't wait to visit that planet next week!

Anyway, the downside of blue cherry is that it only has vitamin C and some minerals, unlike other fruits.


At least it's yummy!

Yeay XD

Moving on to the last topic of the day.

Drum roll please!

Dum* Dum* Dum* Dum*

Ask Luna Yeay XD

So here's the deal!

You ask me questions by posting comments on my fan page, and I'll read it out loud and answer it for you. If there's a question, I couldn't answer, I'll pass it on to Ultrabot.

Is everyone ready?

Here we go!

First question by MikuMiku.

Which do you prefer?

Dog or cat? And Why?

Cats because there so soft and fluffy ^_^

Next question by MerryGoRound.

Why are potatoes brown?

Hmm... I don't know.

Ultrabot, why are potatoes brown?

"Because they're dirty!"

There you go ^_^

Next question by whosurdaddy.

"What does the fox say?"

Ultrabot, what does the fox say?


Ha ha ha that's so funny XD

Ehem! Next question by KiLLeRsMile.

Which comes first, the chicken or the egg.

Hmm... This one's hard.

Ultrabot, which come first, the chicken or the egg?

"The dinosaurs!"

There you go ^_^

Next question by TheNarrator.

What is your brother's phone number.

That I cannot give but Ultrabot can give his.

Isn't that right Ultrabot?


There you go!

Now you can become text mates with Ultrabot ^_^

Next question by Banapplelover67.

Banana bananana...

What comes next?

Umm... I don't know.

What comes next Ultrabot?

"Peanut juice!"

Alright ^_^

Next question by-

Oops times up!

So sorry...

I'll make sure to answer your questions on the next Luna's Corner.

So that's all for today.

See you next time!

Bye bye ((\^_^/))
