It' Luna's Corner
I'm your host Luna the lovely and cute intergalactic idol.
Today is another special!
And since it's a special, we have a guest.
Double Yeay
And this guest has never been to this show.
Yeay Yeay Huray
Now let's introduce him.
This is Borat the explorer.
"Howdy maiyt!"
He's the host of the space exploration show called "The Adventures of Borat".
I love that show
It's educational and funny
"Tanx maiyt! I luv ur show tu!"
And he talks funny too!
"Crikey maiyt!"
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
So anyway, today's special is about things that you see floating in the universe.
"Duh univorse is a vawst and unknoawn plways jast like duh unininet!"
I know! That's why you're going to explain to us
"Yayks! Crikey!"
So let's start with the first topic of the day.
Drum roll please!
Dum* Dum* Dum* Dum*
(A gray planetoid with glitters flashes at the screen and Luna looks at it.)
Ooh looks so pretty
"Aiynt she maiyt."
Yup! So please explain to us why it's so pretty.
"Olraiyt maiyt!"
"Sow a Crystalluwyze Gaseouws Planetoiwd or Say Jay Pay (CGP) in showrt is a planetoiwd dat is compowsed owf crystalluwyze gawses. Duh crystalluwyze gawses is di twinklwing effact dat youw see ovur dier." (Points at the screen that displays the image of the CGP)
"If youw enta di atmowspheire owf aye Say Jay Pay, youw wood nowtice dat di colar of di skuwy is a mixtuwre of colars. Kuynda laywk aye swurly raynebow."
Why is that?
"It's becauwse dat di atmowspheire is compowsed owf diffwrwent gases wheech mowstly tawxic."
"Sow anywiess, trwaveling ships alwiess passes buy aye Say Jay Pay in owrder to replwenish crystalluwyze owxigen."
I see..
Is that all?
"Aye aye maiyt!"
Alright! Moving on to the second topic of the day.
Drum roll please!
Dum* Dum* Dum* Dum*
Space Junk Eater
(A black hairy giant monster with root like tentacles flashes thorugh the screen and Luna looks at it.)
Eeew! Gross! A dinosaur!
"Dayenowsaurws awre big giant lizzards weet big giant sharp teeth maiyt. Dis loowks mowre like aye giant sea potayetow."
Oh! A sea patotato! No wonder it looks gross.
"Sea potayetow is nuetrisiouws fowr youw maiyt."
I care
"Owlright maiyt!"
So what is this thing anyway?
"Dat thing is aye genetecally mawdified owrgawnayesm owr Jay Em Ow (GMO) fowr showrt dat eats spayce junk."
So it's a space monster that eats trash?
"It's nowt aye spayce mownsta! It's aye Jay Em Ow!"
It's easier to call it space monster than GMO
"Youw jawst cowled it aye dayenowsaurw awhile agow maiyt."
Dinosaurs and space monsters are both the same
"Wut eva youw swoy maiyt."
Anyway, speaking about space monters, there's this theme park that me and my brother used go to back at Libra space city. One of the theme park's main atraction is the "Space Invaders". It's an atraction where you get to shoot space monsters with your laser gun while riding a roller coaster that looks like a space ship.
And if you score reach a certain point, you get to get a space monster plushy.
But since my brother's aim is so bad, we end up not getting any plushy.
My brother felt bad and told me we should try again and we did.
But no matter how much we try, we still didn't any plushy.
At least we had tons of fun
"Ur brotha seems to be a gud fella maiyt!"
Yup he sure is
"Muy brotha is a gud fella too maiyt!"
I care
"Owlright maiyt!"
Moving on to the last topic of the day.
Drum roll please!
Dum* Dum* Dum* Dum*
Ask the guest
"Ask di wut?"
Ask the guest
"Wut is dat?"
Ask the guest is a segment wherein the viewers will ask you a question by posting on my fan page.
And I will read the questions out loud and you the guest will answer them
"Owlright maiyt!"
Now that's settled...
Is everyone ready?
Here we go!
First question by PretttyFact...
Have you eaten a space crocodile before?
"Owf couwrse I have maiyt! Dats di baisic owf being aye explora!"
Okay... That's just gross!
"Spaiyce croc is nutraiytious fowr youw maiyt! Da meat is lean and delaicious!"
I care!
"Owlright maiyt!"
Next question by ZeQueen...
Are you married?
"No maiyt! I'm single and so towtally available. Sow call me!" (Borat the explorer winks at the camera at show a tiny piece of paper whit his cell phone number.)
Next question by makemyday.
"What does "space croc" taste like?"
"It taiste like chicken maiyt!"
Alright! Enough with space croc for now!
Next question by hashpinkstar25...
Why do you keep on saying mite?
"It's the lowcal waiy owf speaking maiyt!"
There you go mite!
Next question by heartlessme...
"Have you killed anyone before?"
"Wut? Crikey! No!"
Alright! Next question- Oh wait a minute! There's a follow up question by heartlessme.
Here it goes!
Are you sure?
"Owf couwrse maiyt!"
Oh! Another follow up question by the same person.
Admit it! Everyone has darkside inside their hearts!
"Awre youw own crack maiyt?"
Next question by-
Oops times up!
So sorry...
I'll make sure to ask Ultrabot your questions on the next show.
So that's all for today.
See you next time!
Bye bye!
"Toodles maiyt!"