V2 Luna's Corner 7:

It's Luna's corner

I'm your host Luna, the lovely and cute intergalactic idol.

And this is my partner Ultrabot.

"I came with pieces!"

For some reason, there's something wrong with his speech pattern.

"Bye bye!"

See what I mean


So anyways, here is the first topic of the day.

Drum roll please!

Dum* Dum* Dum* Dum*

Golden Beldandi


Everyone, do you know what a Golden Beldandi is?

How about you Ultrabot?

Do you know what a Golden Beldandi is?



Ehem! A Golden Beldandi is a flower that looks like a golden bell that could be found in some planets on a tropical region.

It is said that the Golden Beldandi produces more oxygen then any other flowers.

So if you go on a picnic barbeque near these flowers, you know what happens next.


Anyways, speaking about bells, I made a pretty choker with a bell as a gift for my brother at christmas so that whenever he's around, I will know that he's there!


When Christmas came and he open the gift, he got angry and threw on the floor which made me upset.

Sniff* Sniff*

As soon as he saw me cry, he wear the choker right away.


After that, he never worn the choker ever again.


"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

(Luna hits Ultrabot)


"Error! Error!"

Ehem! Time for the second topic of the day!

Drum roll please!

Dum* Dum* Dum* Dum*

Sentry Gun!


Ultrabot, do you know what a Sentry Gun is?


Alright! Let me explain to you!

A Sentry Gun is a gun that shoots at an enemy when spotted.

It's kinda like a bot that shoots people.


Thanks for the sound effects Ultrabot.


Anyways, Sentry Guns comes with different shapes and sizes.

Some of them looks like a repairbot and some looks like a cleanbot.

I bet there's a Sentry Gun that looks like a pony.


(Luna hits Ultrabot)

"Error! Error!"

Time for the last topic of the day.

Drum roll please!

Dum* Dum* Dum* Dum*

Ask Luna!


So here's the deal!

You ask me questions by posting comments on my fan page and I'll read it out loud and answer it for you. If there's a question I couldn't answer, I'll pass it on to Ultrabot.

Is everyone ready?

Here we go!

First question by Vegies4Life.

Do you like cabbages?

Well I don't hate cabbages nor like them so I don't dislike them.

Next question by ILUVU.

When is your new single coming out?

I don't know.

Ask my mother

Next question by makemyday.

Ultrabot say something!


There you go!

Next question by MerryGoRound.

"Does your brother the one you always talk about have a Spacebook account?"

Yup! He does.

Ooh! A follow up question by MerryGoRound.

What's his Spacebook account?

Sorry I can't give you his Spacebook account but Ultrabot can give his.

Ultrabot! What's your Spacebook account?


There you go!

Now you can be friends with Ultrabot on Spacebook.

Next question by IamUrFan.

"Where is the next destination of your tour?"

Sagittarius space city!

Next question by-


Oops times up!

I'm sorry I couldn't answer your questions.

I'll make sure to answer on the next Luna's Corner so if you want to ask more questions, please post it on my fan page.

That is all for today.

See you next time!

Bye bye!
