84. Warrior Bride

The sun dawned with the hope of some revelation of true identity. Nora, as usual, was forcing her to vent her anger at her failure to grab the heart of Dev, who looked wild in her training field.

Nora considered the training field as her real battle and started to attack her opponent with all her potential. Indigo remarked, "My lady, this is just the warm-up. You will lose your strength if you try hard to warm yourself up."

The royal guard announced, "All hail our Queen of Ayruzglow."

The White Queen, along with her maids, visited the training field to meet the bride for her son and also to look over her kingdom’s level of warriors. Nora was attacking her opponent ferociously with her sword.

The White Queen praised her, "Well done, Nora. You are the gem of our kingdom."

Nora stopped her attack and looked at the White Queen. She removed her veil, which she used to cover her face, and dressed in black, she tightly wrapped herself in her garment.