As I regained my consciousness, I felt like my body was stuck in the hardened cement that even my eyelids- failed to open after a few attempts, making me panic for a second and lose a bit of hope that I thought I would be a cripple for the rest of my life, but then a sudden glimpse of blurry vision resurfaces in my eyes until the image slowly got better, as my eyes rolled in curiosity to the foreign sky glaring back to my eyes.

The whole sky was covered in a crimson hue since the fading sun was trilling at the edge of the horizon- it was clear that night times were near. Still, countless birds were active and flocking above me as if they were feasting for the end of their lives.

-Cough, cough-


"Damn, why is my whole body aching so much?! "

I didn't know how I got this much body pain; all we just did is to run an experiment.

"Wait, where are my glasses?.. Randal!!! Hurry up and get my glasses" while my agitation gets higher, in contrast to my patience toward my assistant is getting slimmer. Even though it might be a bit too much- it can't be helped, he was the only one who accompanied me all this time, and I'm sure that he already sees all my attitude and mood. after all, he was the one who endured me enough for half a decade

The foreign feeling of extreme pain lurking all over my body makes me so annoyed that my voice puke every time I open my mouth, it's so ludicrous because it doesn't seem like ordinary body pain- it feels like an accumulation of extreme exhaustion that almost leave this body at the edge of death door, and I can feel the fatigue slowly eroding my consciousness, as if i took a hallucinogens that makes me feels that im floating like a fully intoxicated drug addict, but i force myself to concentrate in fear to lose my consciousness as I'm waiting for my assistant to come


I lazily opened my eyes again after my nausea slightly died down as i raised my hand to cover my perception in anticipation of the bright lights were tilted towards me and obstructing my sight while I was waiting for the presence of my assistant to approach me

My vision starts in an opaque shape of lights and gradually gets better little by little until I can clearly see my dirty hands at the front of my face-

'....dirty hands? what the heck!! why were my hands covered in dried blood?!'

It is so suspicious I can't remember anything besides me getting submerged in the tank full of green liquid to initiate the long-awaited project of humanity...

I didn't notice it at first, but I think my vision got much better than usual as I could clearly see my hand full of mud and dried blood without needing to put my glasses on, even if I put my hands at a distance to test my eyesight it was still the same, without getting blurry "wow amazing!!" While I was busy finding an answer to the reason why my eyes got better than usual, I unintentionally noticed the background in my hand, where at this moment my pupil tremble out of my violation

To my shock, I momentarily forgot the pain in my body because of the view that greatly surprises my whole origin.

The only thing that dominated my senses was the loud beating coming from my heart it was comparable to an engine that overrides

is it rage? or shock... maybe not ... maybe, it was a total madness of excitement and relief from the perspective of a human that lost its home without knowing what happened

"Wait?! "

My mind was a mess; I didn't know where I would start, and I could feel my blood flowing like a wild flow of water into every inch of my veins in response to my excited heart, It was a little bit painful and itchy at the same time like a million ants crawling into my body- as if they were all bitting me altogether, it was just a comparison, not a reality. It was also the same when your girlfriend was using your arm as a pillow for the whole night, then suddenly in the morning she got up: you could feel the stagnant blood in your arms that got trapped suddenly came back to the flow, that how my body feels right now

Unfortunately, my whole body is numb, if not I may be jumping like a child who receives a gift he was mourning for a long time.

"Is this dirt? A SKY!!! "

I finally realized the worth of the dirt in my hand; it was a natural soil that came from into the flow of the ecosystem and it's not the common artificial procedure to remove the radiation and any harmful substances it possessed

when I realize this sensation....this feeling.... this... all this feeling that we humans have missed for all this year's wondering in space.... all these things that were nearly impossible to see again



My eyes, didn't know how they could express the happiness that can almost make my heart explode- due to the unexplainable stimulus that makes my eyes tearfully ... is this the feeling that they called tears of joy? if not... what was it?

"After a long time of hard work…. Sigh… we finally did it!"

I wiped my tears with my arm to fully indulge myself in this great success we have been hoping for all these decades.

However, I forgot that the dirt is quite painful in the eyes and my arms are full of it.

"OUCH! Ouch…such a dumbass."

I immediately scratched my eyelids with my other arm in response to the pain in my eyes, but I didn't pay attention that my other arm was also covered in dirt, and it just became even worse.


The pain got double, and I almost wanted to rip off my eyes to the pain and discomfort.

"Damn, I need water to wash it off..."

I can't even see to find some water—what a shame to me to get in this kind of situation.

I stop scratching my eyes, then let it naturally release some tears to get rid of the dirt in my eyes quickly.

after some rest, I can feel that my body got back its senses and the discomfort that I am enduring was slowly lessening as time passed

then I stand up after my body and eyes recovered in pain. But at this point, I think I regret standing up and opening my eyes to this kind of place.

"where…in the… hell... I am…"



In times full of despair and blood was everywhere, People's lives were just mere. The killing was a way of showing their mightiness to give terror and order in their respective lands- a terrible era for the weak and prosperous for the strong, and this is the situation of the ARAVIL continent was in. it was on the current generation of kingdoms where the so-called royal families are at reign.

The continent was separated into twelve kingdoms. However, the TRULACE kingdom started to make a move to unite the whole continent; they waged war on their nearby domains. Fortunately, they were successfully taken down a five-kingdom that was near their territory in just one campaign.

They were considered the first empire raised on this continent, and they held an incredible military force. Hence, the other Kingdom was alert to TRULACE EMPIRE, and they were doing their very best to protect their authority from this powerful invader…..

"I know that some of you were wondering. Why do I never give an order to move our campsite to the other locations that may be favorable to us? that person in the front spoke in a voice filled with intelligence and a gaze that may seem piercing into one soul,

When this man with an ordinary built but intimidating presence enters the tent, the people become attentive and silent like a proper mannered student in front of the school's principal.

"It seems, I hit the right spot. "

When all the participants in the meeting stay's silent, the man continued to walk until he reached the center, where there was a circular crystal black table with golden stripes on the sides.

"That was not what we think, sir General."

"oh, it was lieutenant… Edward. I'm I correct? "

Then the man faced Edward and asked about his identity.

"greetings, General,"

Edward spoke with courtesy, very different from how he acted a minute ago when he was talking to Brald.

"so do you mind telling me what's on your mind my dear lieutenant?" emotionlessly ask by the General to the courtesy of lieutenant Edward.

when the General turned to Edward to listen carefully to his comment, the dark mask made out of the metal he was wearing became more visible to everyone in the meeting.

"I do not dare General, I'm just simply want to say to you that we didn't have any doubt about the decision you make " then he bowed deeply to show his full respect to the General.

"hmm thank you for your trust, my lieutenants "

"FOR THE GREATNESS OF TRULACE EMPIRE!!" after he makes a respectful bow, Edward gives him a firm salute.

"for the greatness of trulace empire," the General gave back a salute to Edward before he diverted his sight to the others with a playful smirk behind his mask because the General belatedly realize that lieutenant Edward was only sucking his feet to make a favorable impression to him, the General already meet tons of people like him in his still short time carrier as a General and he immediately lost interest to Edward and look back at the crowds.

He gave an impassive gaze to everyone with the addition of his dark mask that had mysterious engravings that made him more domineering.

"Before this meeting has begun I dispatch some elite warriors to test the water before we go into all-out war in other kingdoms again "

then he waves his hands on the top of the circular table then he snaps his finger afterward.

After the loud snap, the surface of the table suddenly swells, and it moves like it possesses some life; it is happily wiggling, and it grows even more to the point that it seems on the verge of exploding. Still, after some seconds, it ceased its movement and reverted back

However, after it entirely went back to its former condition, the table was a little bit different now. It has small trees and mini-mountains with perfect geographic features; even the rivers are incredibly detailed.