I can't believe that those old bachelors accurately predicted the important things I needed the most in case the experiment is successful

sigh... fortunately I'm alone. If not, they will surely mock my past self, for arguing and questioning their plan- if it's really necessary to the experiment that we were conducting. If that's the case this place was already full of their annoying laughter while imitating my voice and lines in a lousy manner and grumpy expressions to completely make fun of me when I criticize them.

" Damn... did I suddenly miss them? shit!...did I really miss those disgusting old farts?.. Nah...Nah... no.. tsk I'll curse them for eternity... after they forcefully trapped me in that Virtual reality world?! and made me suffer for hundreds of thousands of years?! "

(in reality, he was just got trap for a total of half a year in a virtual reality world, but in that short time, he already suffered thousand times of deaths because the main theme of that virtual reality world was survival. He experienced all types of possibilities where he would arrive at different timelines and scenarios - that differ from ancient times to the modern world, before the destruction of the earth. During his trials, he becomes a king, clerk, janitor child, and even an old man where's he needed to accomplish tasks pointed out by an A.I. to train him in different kinds of possibilities. Although he gained a lot of valuable experience and knowledge, his grudge towards his coworkers and seniors had grown significantly, because of all the struggles that is forced on him during his time in virtual reality)

there is a total of two thousand scenarios in that virtual reality world and the most bizarre thing is, I can completely remember all those things that happened without any gaps without affecting my mental health. Anyways, the main point is I also encounter a scenario where I become a soldier and ancient warrior on the Battlefield and this kind of scenery was totally normal for me, but I can still feel a little bit of discomfort that makes my stomach wants to throw up if I didn't get a hold of myself

"reality was still incomparable experience compared to virtual reality"

when I am put into the same kind of scenario like this, the first thing I do is to give a proper burial to those people who cherish the most by the original owner of the body that I possessed. I started to search for his precious friends that got killed, because the Calix that I see in those memories, was a pitiful person that he couldn't relay to anyone when his family got massacred. He was totally empty until he meets these people that rekindled his emotions to have a taste of happiness again

I find them one by one by relying on the memories of Calix, although some of them were quite disfigured and hard to recognize because of the aftermath of the war, I barely manage to isolate them one by one and gather their remains at the place where I regained my consciousness.

"huff... finally... I think this is the last one"

At the last moment when I'm dragging one of the dead bodies of his friend, I accidentally tore its limbs and I was thrown out off balance and makes my butt landed on the ground.

"... I'm sorry"

their body must be quite fragile because of the cuts they received during the war. I must take them more carefully. Instead, I just drag its foot carefully scared to lose its other arm which has much more bruises and cuts that might pull off if I put some strength. It reminds me that dead bodies are much heavier, compares to when they were alive. It took me a great effort and time just to collect them from the ruins one after another. furthermore, the longer I searched for the bodies, the situation gets more troublesome, because of the foul smell that thickens every minute

When I was done collecting them, the moon was already in its place, but there were some odd things that I happened to notice.

"Wait a minute why are there three moons in the sky…."

It was quite fascinating to see three coexisting moons in one sky, but as I eventually observe the sky, I noticed that, while the three moons were so mesmerizing in view. The usual colors of the stars were a little bit lackluster, but it doesn't mean that much so I just overlook it. The moons have different colors that emphasize their natures- I think, gold in the south, red in the northwest, and blue on the top of me.

"sigh... it's all evident that I'm not on earth, I thought I succeeded in time travel, but it is most likely that I'm transmigrated to the other world or maybe…. A parallel universe?"

I'm a bit shocked and still assessing all the theories we applied during the experiment.

"Before that, I must finish this first "

it was all thanks to the moonlight that I could see all the broken carriage and broken spears that can be used as fuel for me to send them off properly.

After I finish all the preparations needed, I kick the burning barrel towards the corpses of his friend. As the ignited barrel with alcohol hit the surrounding woods that I piled, it immediately created a huge fire that spread fastly, until it lit up the place and reached the corpses at the center. The flame became more aggressive and the intense heat was spreading outwardly. The cold air of the night retreated to my place and replace by the warm light of the fire. While I'm enjoying the warmth it brought to my naked body, the memories of Calix and his friends resurface in my mind and overlap in my view while watching their bodies get engulfed in the fire.

"Levi, Kevin, Theodore, Lilith, Gladier…what happy memories you have there"

I gave them a moment of silence to respect what they have lost. But I failed to notice that the lower part of my nose bridge was getting wet until I felt tears were trilling down to my face

"Even though I'm the one residing in this body now, it looks like It has still some attachment to its previous owner."

While the tears uncontrollably poured down to my eyes, I still felt a warmth that didn't cause by the fire, but by the memories engraved deep in the heart that recollects the best moments of their lives together. Even though it wasn't my emotion, I could not escape these troublesome feelings that lingered on my body and affected my very soul.

"it was his right to lament for his lost friend."

Nonetheless, this world was full of surprises. While I'm in the middle of mourning, the blazing crimson fire suddenly changes its color to a sinister black with a tinge of violet on it.

"!!!!!!!.....What happen?"

I got alarmed by the sudden change and immediately took a distance in case anything dangerous might happen. Because when fire changes color, there might be some chemical that probably affects it or some other unknown sources that might put my life at risk. I'm not sure what kind of physics is affecting this world and what kind of chemical or material that may cause it to change. it's better to feel safe than to be sorry later on. However, different from what I expected, the raging fire shrinks at an incredible fast-paced until it only affected the center where I put the corpses, and after that, I witness something incredible scene because the fire just concentrated on the individual corpses. later on, the fire that seems to cease at any moment suddenly ablaze towards the sky that reminiscence of the wrathful breath of the dragon

The black fire hungrily burns the flesh of the corpses right away but it only leaves the bones of the corpses clean and intact like the fire has a life of its own that only chooses what it wants to burn as the fire continuously blazes, even the limbs I accidentally tore to Kevin from before reattached themselves to its arm, and the fire continuously shrinks towards their heads till it's completely gone. Surprisingly some of the woods that I piled up didn't turn to ash because when the fire changes its color, it stops burning everything and just focuses on the flesh of the corpses.

I thought it was all done, so I slowly approached the skeletons left by the fire.

"What kind of sorcery is that?.... "

I tried to figure out what happened and even search for the memories of Calix in case there might be something similar phenomenon that he might happen to know, unfortunately, even he - who was native of this land has not even heard a thing about this bizarre experience that I happened to witnessed,

"if it's not sorcery... what was it?"

While I'm slowly approaching and observing what would be going to happen next, the sudden jolt of the bony hands of Kevin almost made me ascend to the afterlife, and it didn't give me any moment to recollect myself- the sudden unexplainable event that was happening, because all of the remaining corpses that turns into pure bones suddenly move by my side without any advisory, they move so swiftly that seems it was so ordinary for a bone structure to move on its own without any flesh that covering their whole body. An absurdity that is hard to believe, yet I can't completely deny, considering the fact that they were all in front of me like a normal being

"What the hell is this" that only word that I could mutter when my mind cant make any appropriate reasoning for this kind of insane event

all my senses are on high alert when I see them stand up in my front.....

'How can a bone stand up they didn't have a muscle to support their limbs, what is happening in this world '

Although I'm beyond surprised by the things that happen in front of my eyes, I still wait for them to take some action to assess what possible action I will do.

Their skull turned toward me, and they immediately kneeled on one knee in unison. To my surprise, they suddenly speak.

"We greet our liege "

although I heard them saying it, I didn't see their jaws move, so it means it didn't come to their mouth.

'Jezz, the hell I'm expecting them to talk in mouth, I forgot they didn't have any voice box to make some sound'

there was no hostility I felt toward them, so I put my guard down and approached them further