while Melisa was in a panic, Cynn, Vince, and Sebastian had already come back, and they were on their knees paying respect to their king, but with a long time of waiting for his response, they peek at the position of Melisa with an expression that says 'what happens?'

Melisa replied in a gesture that meant she didn't have any idea, so they continued on their knees while waiting for the response of their lord.

After a long period of murmuring by himself, he snaps his finger and puts his thumbnail in his mouth, and it seems like he is near to a conclusion.

" Ah-hah... Bone engine. I will call it bone engine... An engine that doesn't need fuel and only relies on kinetic energy that can be triggered by a bone piston."

The ecstatic in his eyes was very visible, and his body was shining in excitement to see his invention put to reality with the use of necromancy.

" We great our king."

Cynn, Vince, and Sebastian greeted him again when they noticed that he had finally returned to his proper self.

"Oh, great that you come back in time."

the evil smile on his face come back again when he sees his precious slaves who can work tirelessly

"We already secured the vicinity for your safety our lord "

Sebastian spoke in a croaky voice

"Ohh, that was a great job. I felt guilty to put another request, but we really need to move to another place right now."

"It's our pleasure to serve you, my lord."

they simultaneously reply to him in a respectful tone

"I'll be in your care. Sebastian, did you get the things I requested?"

" Yes my lord. by luck, I easily encounter a group of bandits along the way and I didn't have any struggle in finding them. It looks like they just recently raid a merchant on the road just like how Melisa said to me, fortunately, they have all the things you needed."

Then Sebastian put his hands on his kimono to give the things that his lord requested to him.

" Thank you, Sebastian. By the way, did you kill them?"

Ask by Calix before taking the paper, ink, and brush on his hands.

" I just gave them some light injuries, but I didn't take their lives."

He replied with a poker face while bowing.

Then Calix turned his head to Melissa for confirmation. Luckily she responded with a nod; it means Sebastian was speaking the truth,

After the four undead burns, all flesh and blood of the fallen soldiers they've evolved exponentially until they were not just mere walking skeletons and developed their physical appearance based on their classes.

"Hmm, Melissa, what is the best wood that can be used in a carriage."

" My lord, the most excellent wood that you need can be found near in the Calderan forest. It was called mellow stone wood. located 37 miles north in the aurora ridge. It was easy to locate because of these orange leaves."

Melisa responded with a sense of professionalism.

She was like a computer who was a critical at gathering of information for the group because of her mastery in communicating to souls of the dead that she can only utilize among the group as a lich.

She also revealed the location of the bandits to Sebastian and the spies to Cynn.

"Can you get those trees for us to use in my new project, can I trust you with my selfish request?"

"yes, my lord, I will do my best to give you those quality woods that you need."

"thank you, Sebastian ill greatly appreciate it."

"don't be so polite to me, my lord. I'm just your servant."

"nope, even servants deserve respect."

"thank you, my lord, for your kindness. I will repay it with a body that you bestow to us...I shall take my leave, my lord, so I can get the woods that you need as soon as possible."

"Uhm, be careful"

Calix paths the shoulder of Sebastian before he takes his leaves.

then Calix looks to Vince

"wait for me, I will draw first the things you must do."

"yes, my lord"

then he looked to Cynn, who was carrying Evelyn to his shoulder all this time.

" Why are you carrying a girl... what a naughty boy did you already get a girlfriend?! Huh!?"

Calix was grumbling because Cynn was ahead on getting a girl than him.

"I know you were quite attractive for a girl and you have a youthful body but try to hold back your self don't take advantage of every girl you see, you must only chase one girl!! I'm I clear!!"

The frustration formed from his past life because he doesn't experience dating a girl

"Hurry...Explain yourself!"

Calix still wants to continue nagging him until he becomes satisfied to the fullest,

but when he thinks how loyal they are to him and how they respected him as their liege, Calix gives him a chance to talk and explain himself.

"My lord, I brought her here because she is the only one in her group who calmly takes my generous offer to give respect to you."

Then Cynn put Evelyn to the ground carefully and back again in his one knee while bowing to Calix.

"What about her group?"

Then the expression of Calix turns serious when he hears that -she was the only one he brought to her group-, it means..... It means!!!

"Did you kill them?"

"Yes, my lord."

although Cynn seems so expressionless and collective deep inside, he is already so terrified That the hatred of his king might fall on him

"What happened?"

Calix was still expressionless and still assessing his servant,

because of the dark hearth, he has some quiet attachment to his retainer, and one of this is he can feel those lingering feelings they have, and right now, he felt an ominous feeling of fear in Cynn

"They throw knives at my back and they were being rude to your presence."

Cynn was waiting to get punished after he finished his words, but different from what he was expecting, a hand gently crumbled his hair.

"Ohh, it's okay as long as you preserve your life, but next time don't slaughter heedlessly because a life of a person is not a joke."

The soothing voice of his master that he didn't expect to touch his soul entirely and his respect for him grew even more.

" Thank you, my lord, for your consideration... I'll keep that in mind."

" of now, take good care of her. Once she wakes up, I'm going to talk to your girlfriend."

Calix turns his gaze to the laying Evelyn on the ground.

"Yes, my lord," Cynn replied

"Wait for us here Cynn... . Vince and Melissa come with me. I have some tasks for you two that need to do for me... See you later Cynn. Take your time with your girlfriend bye."

Then the three of them walk in a different direction and leave two with their own under the presence of a big blue moon.