- clack- - clack -

multiple carriages were making their way in the grassy plains with minimal speed because the coachmen were afraid that they might stumble a rock big enough that can flip around the carriage if they did not become careful

" announce to all. we can take a rest here for the whole night and continue our journey in the early morning,"

Lieutenant Chris calmly said to the soldiers wearing typical breastplate armor and some armor guards to his fronts.

then this soldier tapped the wall of the carriage to inform the coachman and stop the horses from walking further

when the carriage of lieutenant Chris stopped in the very front of the group, the other coachmen flapped the rope that controlled their horses to halt their carriage, and the soldier that was accompanying lieutenant Chris in his carriage stepped out on the ground and shouted,

" take a rest!! "

The announcement are what the whole group is waiting for all this time; after a long day of journey staying only in the shaky and noisy carriage, they all felt relief when they all stepped out in their carriage, and they can finally take proper rest.

the soldiers were like bees that get their beehive poke and almost simultaneously get out and do their work accordingly with a strict attitude

the others find a specific place in the plain grassland where they can have an advantage in view when they were watching the vicinity into a surprise attack of anyone even whether it was a human or animals; caution is a must every time, especially in the situation they were currently was still unknown

" did the report says that the vanguard team was annihilated as well as the enemy they encountered? why do they still send a search and rescue team."

a random soldier asked the other soldier in his front in a low voice; they were part of the group that was searching for a proper place to set their resting site for this coming night

" are you talking about the rumors? don't be blind by that kind of rumors, and furthermore, we were not here just to only search if there were still some survivors in the vanguard team; we were also there to find out what really happened to them in detail and secure this region to make sure that the Glashmeir kingdom cant make proper preparation again before the General make an order of attack in a large scale."

" How can they make sure that what happened to the vanguard will not repeat to us."

"it will never happen again under the watch of lieutenant Chris, tsk did you forget that he was the most powerful lieutenant in the whole empire and the only reason he didn't want to be promoted yet because he really loves to be on the battlefield all the time an honed his skills."

The soldier arrogantly proclaimed it because he was part of the squad of lieutenant Chris, and the soldier who asked the question first was under lieutenant Brald.

" Okay, the two of you, stop that chit-chat for now and inform the lieutenants first that we already found a proper place for us to take a rest this night. The other may set a bonfire so that the whole group will come here and start the preparations; the remaining people will go with me to scout the other areas... MOVE!!!!! "

" Okay, sir "

Then the whole group proceeded again to make a move like synchronous gears that just recently got oiled; every one of them had adequately executed their task without any presence of confusion like they had already done this multiple times.

the carriage make their way to this place when multiple fires lit up, signaling to them they have to pick the most secured part in this grassy plains that have no blind spot to the ambushed

" Hello, lieutenant Chris."

While the soldiers were busy setting everything to make a proper campsite before the night came, Brald walked near the person, standing like a statue that didn't flinch even an inch and staring at the burning crimson color brought by the setting sun, indicating that the nighttime is near.

" oh, lieutenant Brald."

" coffee? "

Brald offer a cup of coffee to Chris before standing beside him


"thanks but no thanks, lieutenant Brald. I didn't mean to offend you, but I'm not really fond of hot drinks like coffee or tea. I always prefer to sip some cold drinks and beverages because it never fails to revitalize my body every time I try one. "

"I'll take note of that for future purposes."

Brald mentions with a jokingly tone

" yes, you must, hahahahaha."

"by the way, you seem to be thinking something. Is it about our mission? "

"Hmm, it is not that really about our mission; it's more likely about the atmosphere of these places. I can't really put my finger where the changes are. But there is one thing I could definitely say our faith now is still unknown."

"does it mean you are not confident''

"you can say it like that because they're something I can't figure out, and for us humans, we typically have a fear of the unknown."

" if the other soldier hears you are saying something like that, they might lose confidence in the success of this mission."

" do you want to help me in finding out what this bothering atmosphere building up in this place? "

" don't mention it. I'm always ready to help you, lieutenant Chris."

" It might be dangerous. Are you still willing to risk your life?"

" even either my motives were for just the mission or personal reasons. I will gladly help you because in this mission, not only our lives were on the line; these soldiers were also part of our responsibilities; moreover, by protecting them, we are protecting the future of their families by any means."

" I never thought that you were that kind of considerate person, lieutenant Brald."

" I'm not typically that good, but I always cherish every person who treats me right."

"it seems that quite burdensome."

"Everyone has a burden that must need to carry"

"... yeah..."

after that, they silently stared at the sinking crimson sun while Brald was sipping his steaming hot coffee, and Chris was only standing stoically with cross hands while waiting for the sun to cease completely

" lieutenants, your individual tents have already been prepared."

Aeron shows up at their back and has some specks of dirt on his face and armor, and when the two lieutenants turn around, the soldiers are almost finished with their works, and the campsite magically shows up in a short time.

the torches and bonfires were set strategically all around, making sure that no one could slip under the watch of those who would be left to guard the campsite for the whole night

" Okay, we need to take a rest first. I'll notify when it necessary, lieutenant Brald... see you"

Chris leave the two of them again with his hand, casually waving them goodbye with his back is facing them while walking away.

' as I thought there was something odd happening to this place.. what really happened to them.'

After Chris left the two of them, Brald was lost again with his thoughts while looking at the piece of black cloth tied in his hand.

" Sir, let's go? "

Aeron didn't meddle again with what was Brald thinking because he guesses that it was something that the two lieutenants talked about a little while ago before he approached them.

" yes. let's go."

with that final words, they walk towards the tents where they will pass this whole night without knowing what will be going to happen

while they were walking along with the camp,

they encountered a soldier that was just finishing assembling the other tents and on their way to prepare some meals for the dinner that's why they deliberately waited for their lieutenant to make way towards here and proper ask him for the supplies

" oh, I'm sorry I forgot to distribute the rations for this dinner."

" don't mind it, sir. It's our duty to ask for it."

replied by the soldiers who greeted Brald

"it's a mistake on my part, and I will not forget next time... Here! "

Brald waved his hand in the direction where the were no present people after that, the sack of rice, a lump of meat wrapped in thin white clothes, and multiple leather bags containing water even some ingredients magically materialize in the ground.

as the sun fully exited in the sky and replaced by a shining golden moon, the soldiers part of Brald's team is started to prepare to cook their meal for dinner while they happily talked to each other with a burst of laughter could be heard every time

however, some distance to the recently erected campsite where the carriage was left empty without even a horse attached to them, a distinct carriage that possessed a definite, distinct shadow different from the others made some random sounds

" I think it's also my dinner time now."

then the shadow of the carriage started to fluctuate and slowly formed the shape of the man until it completed emerged of the image of a clothed black man wearing a dark mask, and afterward, he waved his hands, and a small box appeared in his palm

he opens a small box before sitting on the ground and leaning his back on the wheel of the carriage, and then he lifts his mask showing the face of the butler that serves the Colonel from before

then he proceeded in opening the small box that had a portion of food on the inside and snapped his chopsticks into two before silently eating his food

Undoubtedly, the spatial ring brought a lot of conveniences.

When the butler almost finishes his meal, a cheerful child voice breaks his relaxing moment while eating, making his heart skip a beat for a moment.

" mister.. are you playing hide and seek? "