"I mean, you work under my care. so you're my driver because yesterday my driver stopped working and went home. So for the past two days, I've been driving my own car and it makes me tired. Do you want to accept my offer?"

Of course, Mamat wouldn't refuse, not long after that everything was sorted out. Mamat started working at his house. He met his wife and son, even so, he remained in the Bastian amp who had saved his life. like now where he hides the fact that her employer is having an affair, is holding a cell phone answering her lover.

"Yes, I'm going to an apartment in the city. If you miss going there, Sarah hasn't called me yet." Bastian laughed in response.

The car he was riding in was currently driving through the traffic jams of a big city, where the afternoon was the time for employees to go home. Silence is a return that Mamat knows how to do, to make his master comfortable. Even though there was an upheaval in his heart when he saw his wife's kindness too, but he had to keep his mouth shut because he was in Bastian's maid camp. Not his wife.

"Don't be afraid, Sarah doesn't know the location of all my apartment units. You can come, you can stay overnight." He said to someone on the phone.

"Okay, then I'll wait and don't forget to bring something to eat. I'm hungry apparently...

Then the phone was hung up, Mamat looked in the rearview mirror to find his master had closed his eyes. Maybe today is very tiring because he has to see the continuity of the new film that will be released, his boss can't wait because the character being cast is his choice. Bastian expects a lot from the newcomer artist he holds because some time ago there was a producer who cheated.

They accept bribes from big artists to play in films in their production house, Wings Entertainment is the largest agency in the country. Only artists with good qualifications in the eyes of producers and agency owners will make them pass. There is no point in using insiders, here those who are caught will get a score or even get fired directly by Bastian.

It's all because of its performance as well.

Not long after, Mamat's cell phone rang and his employer's contact name appeared. He glanced at the man through the rearview mirror and said.

"Sir, your wife is calling on my cell phone."

"Just pick it up, tell her if I'm not coming home, and don't wait."Mamat nodded.

He pressed to accept the call and brought it to his ear.

"Loudspeaker," Bastian whispered closer to Mamat who was driving.

"Hello ma'am, good afternoon."

"Hello Mamat, what time is my husband coming home?"

"Say as I told you." Whispered Bastian again at Mamat's side.

"Um... Ma'am, the master said he wasn't coming home today and said don't wait for the master to come home."

"Ah... well then, greetings to him if Arsa asks about his papa. I'm confused about the answer because I don't know when his father will come home." She confessed to Mamat.

In fact, it made Bastian think, this is just an excuse for his wife to want him to go home. Tch, even though he will go home when all his business is finished. But Sarah is always troublesome and asks him to hurry back, who is she to dare to tell him.

Bastian distanced himself and let the driver talk to Sarah, after all, it was too bad that Sarah didn't call him the number and instead called Mamat. But oh well, stupid times won't even make his headache recur when he hears his wife's voice.

"Yes ma'am, I'll tell the master later."He said before then hung up the phone.

Even though she didn't need to tell him, the man who mentioned had heard what he ordered, so it had been conveyed. But what happened next was a sarcastic remark from the boss to his wife.

"Making excuses using children, very sneaky. Heh!" And Mamat could only stare straight ahead with an unreadable expression on his face.


In this magnificent house, a nanny was telling a fairy tale to her employer's child in the room. Arsa his name, does not want to sleep until his father comes home. He himself is the image of a child who is still innocent and very holy, not knowing how dirty and cruel a world is for him without his own protection.

"Then the two calves met three big crocodiles who were hungry, he was almost eaten when the crocodile came out of the water trying to pounce on him... Waaurrrr."

Still fresh and upbeat, there was no sign of him being sleepy. It's bad if it continues like this because Arsa has been sleeping late for almost three nights to wait for his father to come home and accompany him to sleep in his room which has a racing car that feel like his favorite.

Sarah hung up the phone when she didn't get an answer from her husband, she was just afraid of the state of Arsa who was actually too eager to wait for her father to come home.

Walking slowly into her child's room, she saw that now Arsa was whining at her nanny with a loud cry.

"Where's papa!! I want papa!!! Papaaaa!!!." The scream echoed in his room and the nanny looked confused again.

Sarah entered and walked to the bed then told her nanny to go out to make milk, Arsa must have started to feel sleepy but because his father had not come home he was angry.

"Mamm, where's Papa?" He asked his mother who pulled him into a hug.

"Papa is working, he'll be home later. Brother is sleeping now so that when he wakes up, dad is home, okay...."

"I don't want it mamaaaaa! I want papaaaa!! Huhhhhhhhh...."

Sarah rocked her child even though she struggled and kept crying, she deafened her ears and left until Arsa was exhausted and fell asleep on her own. Without Sarah realizing the wetness in her eyes was already running down her cheeks, she hastily wiped them immediately. Don't want to look pathetic even though her heart is full of sorrow and pain.



sorry about my bad grammar, please comment to tell me my writing mistakes in good language. thanks...