The Life Of Blade Eastwood

"I love you as a man who lost himself in your eyes' depth. I love you as a soldier who is ready to annihilate an entire army as a sacrifice to the beauty of your eyes."

"My heart can't even grasp the amount of love that I have for you anymore. I love you, my love for you made me a prisoner in this life, afraid of leaving it without having you."

The diary was closed by the black-haired true blood who has tears running down his cheeks.

He smiled with tears in his eyes looking at the image of the one and only boy he has ever loved on his phone.

"Ian I know that 'I love you' can't describe even one percent of the love that I have for you, but I love you!!"

He said with his soft voice as he was caressing Ian's photo and looking at him with his glossy eyes.

The true blood sighed and rested his head on his desk while still looking at the alpha's photo on his phone as Ian was the most important thing in his life...

And he actually is!!

"Blade, don't tell me that you are crying again, because of him," Said the brunet alpha male who suddenly entered the true blood's bedroom.

Blade didn't even pay attention to his best friend's arrival because he was too busy admiring his heart's owner.

The brunet alpha sighed and came closer to his best friend wiping his tears away from his face and then he took his phone away from him.

Blade gasped and tried to get his phone back but the other male did not allow him to.

"Blade stop doing this to yourself. Ian does not even know you or know anything about your existence and you are here exhausting yourself and crying all day for him. Look at your eyes, they are puffy and red.

I understand that you love him, but you're my best friend and I can't let you do this to yourself for something impossible to happen. You need to wake up and forget about him!!"

The true blood alpha looked silently at his best friend saying " You don't understand Andrew. You don't understand anything. Nobody understands me. I love him to the point that I can't imagine myself doing anything without him.

I think of him with every breath, every blink, and with every heartbeat.

I can't stop my heart from loving him. I'm aware that he does not know me or know that I exist, but I can't stop.

His love has been growing with me since I was only five. His love has been running with my blood inside my veins. I will stop loving him only if I die."

When he finished what he wanted to say, he went towards his bed lie down on top of it looking at the ceiling thinking of Ian.

Andrew looked at his best friend helplessly and followed him making Blade turn his gaze towards him saying "Please just don't say anything Andrew"

"But he's an alpha Blade "

"I don't care"

"He has a boyfriend"

"I don't care"

"The mating between two male alpha is impossible and has never happened before"

"I don't care"

Andrew sighed and lie down next to his stubborn best friend saying " I try to persuade you every day as if I don't know what you will answer me"

Blade giggled because the brunet male tries literally every day to make him stop loving Ian for more than four years, but he has never succeeded. " Then don't try again Andrew, because I won't stop."

The other male just sighed hopelessly saying" Let's talk about something else."

Blade got up and looked at him excitedly asking" Have you found your fated one?" Andrew shook his head " Not yet, You know not everybody is lucky to find their fated mate immediately after turning eighteen."

Blade furrowed his eyebrows saying" But you actually turned eighteen last year not just two days ago"

Andrew looked at his best friend and said" Well yeah you are right! I can't do anything except for waiting. My fated one is somewhere out there in this world. There are wolves who had to wait many years to meet their mates so probably I'm one of them"

The true blood alpha just remained silent, because he and Andrew went to many wolves packs trying to find Andrew's fated mate, but they didn't find anything.

Blade was afraid of two things which are, finding Andrew's mate dead or finding them already mated to somebody else. He did not want his best friend to suffer in pain for the rest of his life.

"I know what you are thinking Blade, so please stop. I know they are somewhere out there, I can feel them. I just don't know where they are. They are NOT dead"

Andrew said to his best friend, but he also was trying to tell himself that his mate is alive somewhere in this world.

Blade just sighed saying" Andrew don't worry!! You are just overthinking. Your mate is probably hasn't reached eighteen yet or maybe they are also looking for you"

The true blood took his phone from Andrew's hand as he said trying to change the topic " So what do you want them to be, a girl or a boy? an omega or a beta? What if your mate is a female alpha?"

Andrew immediately started smiling like an idiot saying " I seriously don't care what gender or rank they are, but I kinda want a male omega or beta to be my mate. It's not just because I want this, it's just I have some strange feeling of male omega and a beta."

Blade smiled looking at how happy his best friend looked while talking about his mate saying " A male omega? I have never seen one before in my life!"

"I have seen two or three of them when I was looking in the other pa...."

They were interrupted by the sound of a loud wolf howl.