Sandra's mate

Blade sighed and raised his gaze looking at his sister that was laughing sarcastically at Brandon because she won against him, while Brandon was trying to persuade her that she was cheating.

He smiled at how funny his siblings are before being interrupted by Andrew who came running with five betas behind him and they were all in their wolf form.

What caught his attention is the white-ish small omega wolf that was running with them.

Andrew shifted back to his human form so did the betas and the omega.

There was a female twenty-one-year-old omega.

"Nancy, what are doing here?" Said Sandra as she approached the female omega and kissed her forehead.

Yes, you guessed it right. Nancy is Blade's sister's, fated mate.

++Falsh Back:++

/Three Years Ago/

The female true blood Sandra was standing beside her father inside the conference room where they usually gather with the deltas and the alphas of the pack.

"We can build a huge wall to surround the borders of our territory alpha," Said one of the Deltas of the pack to his alpha.

Because three years ago the Bloody Diamond Pack was not as strong as it is now, they used to suffer from many rogues attacks which ended up with the death of many of the pack members that is why they needed a plan to stop the rogues from entering the pack territory.

The alpha Eddard looked at Delta who talked and smiled saying "That is a great idea, we will start from tomorrow building that wall"

Sandra hummed and went out of the conference room heading to where her brother Brandon was sitting and she sat next to him silently.

Brandon looked at his sister saying " Sandra are you okay?" The female true blood just hummed to him while looking blankly at the floor.

Her brother immediately gave all his attention to her saying " Do you want to fight?"

He knows that every time one of them feels low if they fight, they will feel much better.

But all his hopes vanished in the thin air when his sister shook her head as a NO.

He just remained silent looking helplessly at his sister not knowing how to help.

Suddenly, the female alpha raised her gaze looking at someone with her bloody colored eyes, she also tightened her fist trying as hard as she can to control her wolf.

Brandon just furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he shifted his gaze looking in the direction of his sister's gaze to find a beautiful female omega walking with some other omegas and betas.

"She's my mate Brandon" She whispered looking at the omega as if she was the only person in this world."

Brandon needed some long minutes to grasp what his sister just told him " W-what?? Are kidding me ?"

She shook her head saying " I'm not. She's my mate I found out last year on my birthday"

The male true blood just closed his mouth when he lost the ability to talk because of how shocked he was. The miracles and weird stuff that happens in his family are impossible.

First of them was his younger brother falling for an alpha.

Second of them was his older sister's rank.

And now The mating between two females.

He just sighed saying " You know what? I'm not going to be surprised anymore, our family is just strange. So what are you going to do with her?"

The female alpha giggled and said " Well, her birthday is tomorrow. She can't discern me now but tomorrow she will. I guess I will just have to wait till tomorrow and see what the moon goddess is planning for me!"

The Next Day:

The next day was Nancy's birthday, but she could not sense her mate yet.... wondering why?

Because Sandra was hiding her pheromones, she wants to stay with the female omega alone.

" See later Malia," Said the female omega as she entered her bedroom. She took her clothes out of the closet and placed them on the bed.

When she turned around she froze in her place when she found the Pack's alpha's daughter in front of her. And not any daughter, the daughter that is going to be the head alpha of the pack.

" A-alpha Sandra? How may I help you?" The omega was shaking in fear because Sandra was known as the most heartless one between her siblings.

The female true blood just cleared her throat and said " So happy birthday " Nancy looked at alpha in disbelief saying " H-how did you know? I mean-- Thank you alpha"

Sandra looked at her calmly saying " How wouldn't I know when my mate's birthday is?" The omega needed some time just to grasp what the true blood has just told her.

Her shock increased when the true blood let her pheromones free in order to prove to her that she really is her mate.

"Sit down I know you're shocked" Then they both sat down on the bed silently ignoring each other's gazes.

"How is that even possible alpha?" Finally, the omega gathered some courage and decided to talk.

The true blood just shrugged saying " I have no idea and I found out last year that you are mate. I did not tell you because I knew you would have believed. Also, don't call me alpha, my name is Sandra"

The omega smiled whispering "Sandra" She apparently really liked her name.

"I did not expect my mate would be a girl, to be honest. I mean no one would have expected that. It's something impossible... I mean it was impossible but not anymore" The true blood alpha said while fiddling her fingers.

The omega's smile immediately vanished as she whispered " I--I'm sorry!!"

Sandra raised her gaze looking at her mate. Nancy was about to cry because she thought that she will get rejected by the true blood.

Sandra on the other hand raised her hand gently grabbing the omega's jaw making the other female look at her eyes. She smirked and came closer to her until they could feel each other's warm breath on their lips.

The omega was too scared when she noticed the smirk on the true blood's lips, she did not want to be heartbroken. But I guess she thought she was not enough for the true blood female in front of her.

She was going to start sobbing, but instead, she widened her eyes in shock when the female true blood whispered " I'm not"

Then immediately smashed their lips together.

  1. {when Nancy said sorry , Sandra answered her by she's not sorry. That means she was happy to have Nancy as her mate.}
    So I love The GL too. hihihi