Little Brother

Just in a matter of two hours everybody set their tents up and went inside to take a rest.

The true blood was inside his tent which he will share with some other boy from school and he was writing in his diary again while smiling like an idiot.

"I love you, Ian. Even love gave up when it saw how much I love you. I loved you to the point that every drop of my blood became soldiers and declared their allegiance to you . I loved you to the point that my eyes cry if I think of losing you even though I don't even have you. I loved you to the point that I forgot my life and you became my life."

The true blood was interrupted by the entry of Ian who looked at him silently and went towards his place.

By the way, Blade is still writing and smiling like a fool in his diary, he even reached the thoughts of what they will name their kids.

"You look like you are in love !!" Said Ian with a small smile on his face.