Ian's Death

Deep inside the woods where the blond alpha was lying unconsciously on the ground alone while one of his feet was still stuck in the trap that was coved with the wolfsbane liquid.

Since it was raining some drops of water touched the unconscious alpha and made him open his eyes slowly.

He looked at his surrounding trying to figure out where he was exactly. Suddenly he felt that sharp pain in one of his legs. That pain reminded him of what happened before he passed out.

Ian could not even move his hands because of how weary and powerless he felt. He can feel the wolfsbane inside his system destroying his cells and his heart that was barely working.

The blond alpha stared at the cloudy sky in surrender, he can feel how close his death is.

Suddenly an idea came to his mind, he knew that he will die but it did not stop him from howling hoping somebody would hear him and come to help him.