My Prince

"My prince, my baby I chose you to be my home and I chose your love to be my world. My heart only belongs to you and will never belong to anybody but you. My love for you reached the stage of eternal love." -Blade Eastwood-


"Well, first did you seriously come looking for me in the storm? Also, how did you know where the packhouse is. and even my room?"

"No, I did not. I was in the woods too. And for the second question, it's because I came here before. Don't you remember me? Twelve years ago?" Said Blade making the older male smile saying "My memories are kind of blurred, but I definitely remember a little child twelve years ago who came with his father to our pack."

"You left quickly when your father came I guess. For as long as I remember you only stayed two weeks maybe. Right Blade?"



"Hey, Blade?"