My Marshmallow Ball

Clay got shocked when she felt Alen's lips moving against hers and she froze there without being able to do anything except feeling Alen kissing her but the moment the male omega raised his hands and cupped her face pulling her closer, she just closed her eyes and started kissing him back.

"Let's go to bed." Said Alen as he pulled the female beta by her shirt, then he lay down on the bed with Clay on top of him, but when he tried to kiss her again she stopped him saying "What if Andrew comes and finds us like this? He would get mad. Isn't this cheating?"

The male rolled his eyes and said "He won't get mad or anything. That's not cheating, since you are his mate and I'm his mate that makes us mates too. Now shut up and kiss me." Clay chuckled and caught his lower lip in between her teeth which made him whine wanting more.