Strange New Feelings

The night that Ian got to know about what Victoria wanted him to do with Sandra, he spent all that night crying alone.

He could not stop crying even once.

At least in the past, he had Alex who used to listen to his problems and try to solve them with him in order to help him, but now he has nobody and he does not know what to do anymore.

He was so sick of her and how she controls him and his life, but unfortunately, he can not do anything to stop her and he has to just get used to her orders and obey them.

He wiped his tears quickly when he felt Victoria coming to his bedroom.

And he was right just a moment after wiping his tears she stormed into his bedroom saying with her annoying voice "Get up, it's 10 Am already. And do what I said."

She only said these words and left without even sparing him a glance.