Blade Eastwood?

Ian tightened his arms around the file in his hands while looking at Blade's eyes. He admit that he got chills all over his body because of the way the latter was looking at him.

Blade was standing next to the huge window in his office with a file in his hand that he closed right after he saw Ian walking inside his office.

The blond male could not recognize him at all.

How could he recognize him when the last time he saw him was more than five years ago and he still thinks that Blade is dead just like everybody else.

Not only that but also the man standing in front of him right now was five times bigger than the eighteen-year-old Blade that he knows. His hair was way longer than he used to have in the past and now he has that stubble beard that made him look a hundred times hotter than he used to be. Keep in mind that Blade was already breathtaking when he was eighteen years old.