Waste Of Time

As Ian expected, he could not sleep all night. 

The nightmare that he had in his office of Blade trying to kill him did not leave his mind at all. He could not stop thinking of it because it looked and felt so real.

Every time Ian tries to forget it just like the rest of the nightmares that he had before so that he can sleep, he ended overthinking about it.

He felt like he goes back to living this same nightmare in the office every time he tries to just close his eyes and sleep.

That is why he did not sleep all night although he was so exhausted and wanted to sleep so badly.

Here he is now standing in front of the mirror and he was cleaning his little cut before covering it with a plaster.

He was doing all this while zoning out thinking of that nightmare. He is confused because he had much worst nightmare about Blade killing him and he was able to just forget about them in the next day but this one was different somehow.