Paper And A Pen

"Ian, I think it's your rut again. Another wave." Whispered Blade as he woke Ian up who frowned when he heard this before asking "Can't I just take the pills again? I want to cuddle with you a little more."

Blade smiled looking at that little pout on Ian's mouth and how he was talking as if he really hates his rut and how it forces him to stop cuddling with him "The pills will hurt your body if you take a lot of them. We can cuddle after. What do you think about this?"

The blond male hummed agreeing with what Blade said before the latter softly grabbed his chin and kissed him.

"I love kissing you, Blade." This is what Ian whispered inside Blade's mouth before starting to suck his tongue which is what he loves to do the most.

Blade let Ian kiss him however he wants for some long minutes before stopping him to say " Aren't you planning to stop?" Ian chuckled because of this and shook his head saying " If you don't stop me, I won't stop. I can't get enough."