I'm Gonna Get Rid Of You Forever

Before Blade reaches the wedding, Ian was in the room after he put on his dark grey suit which made him look like one of these rich and hot CEOs especially after he dyed his hair dark brown and pushed it to the back.

He has been roaming around the room waiting for Blade to come but there was that scary feeling inside him that was making him think that Blade might not come or the security might not give his invitation to Blade.

"Wow, man you look so hot. Fuck, your hair and the suit you look so good. How about you call off your wedding with Blade and marry me instead." Eric who has just entered the room got stunned looking at how handsome Ian was.

The blond male who is now brunet glared at the other alpha and uttered "No." Eric dramatically grabbed his chest pretending to feel pain as he walked toward Ian saying "How can you be so heartless and reject me like this."