Fill It Up

Ian who was sitting on the counter and his legs were wide open, let out a breathy moan with a hiss while feeling Edalb penetrating his hole slowly and pulling his entire dick out and putting it inside again.

There was a huge amount of lube around Edalb's dick and inside Ian's hole which caused some of it to drip on the counter every time the younger male slowly pulls his dick out.

He kept slowly thrusting his whole dick inside and pulling it completely out even though he wanted to fasten his pace so badly but the way Ian was moaning softly made him have some patience just so that he can watch his mate whine like this.

Five minutes was enough for Edalb to lose his patience as he immediately grabbed Ian's hips and pulled him to the edge of the counter before thrusting his dick roughly at once which made the latter moan loudly because of this sudden rough thrust.