Xavier Salvador

"Besides," she started her eyes glinting in mischief, "The only thing stopping me from going over to his apartment and giving him a piece of my mind which involves vandalizing his very new baby with my spray cans," she whispered referring to Jason's new car.

" And forgetting my fist on his face is this." She added grinning at Maya and then brought out three mailed letters.

Maya stared at her confused, when has letters ever stopped Jasmine she thought. Jessica smiled knowingly making her even more confused.

"Remember when I told you guys that I would help get you jobs as well, I met my uncle who is a manager at Salvador's Inc, he pulled some strings, and now, here is our appointment letters," Jessica announced shouting at the last part while grinning widely at her gap tooth on display.

"Oh my God!" Maya exclaimed standing up on top of the bed in shock not expecting them to get so lucky immediately.

"Team jump!" Jasmine announced as they both joined her and then they all started jumping simultaneously holding hands, smiling together, celebrating how they always had on any of their big wins.

Maya smiled fondly looking at the two twenty three years old who were currently acting three. The only family she knew that accepted her whole heatedly, not as a mistake or a burden, and certainly not like a Job.

"I got into the Accounting department," Jasmine announced.

"IT." Jessica chirped in.

Maya smiled, she knew how much working in the IT department means to Jessica.

She didn't want to join the family business as an arrogant heir with little or no experience, she didn't want to be buttered up or pampered to the top, but wanted to start just as a mere employee and gather as much experience as she could get.

"And you would be the Ceo's PA," Jasmine announced, her words faltering Maya's smile.

"Sweet, I know you are supposed to be in the IT department but there was no other vacancy, besides this job pays well and this arrangement is only temporary until I can find you...."

"It's okay really," Maya mumbled.

Jasmine sighed dreamily.

"I thought you would be screaming with Joy that you get to see a walking orgasm who is Xavier Salvador, I would pay to see that guy every day." She whispered dreamily.

"I'm done with walking whatever's after one of them reduced my confidence to 00.2 yesterday," Maya whispered frowning.

"I almost wanted to switch places with you and No it's not because I love you that much, but when I heard the infamous Xavier himself was the one presiding over our branch which happens to be the headquarters and not some manager I was tempted." Jessica blurted out admitting her infatuation for their future boss.

Jasmine grinned naughtily.

"I can imagine my legs spread out on top of the desk as he thrust into me while I hold onto him Moaning softly and whispering Sir at each interval." She said sighing and dramatically going into position, chuckling she moaned acting out everything she had just said.

"Fuck me harder, yes that way... Yes! Yes!" Jessica joined in grinning.

Maya chuckled throwing a pillow at them.

"You girls are shameless." She whispered.

"Said someone who wanted to get over a breakup by fucking someone she just met yesterday without even knowing his first name, baby girl people get over breakups by drinking alcohol, buying a big tub of ice cream, and throwing themselves a huge pity party where they are forced to eat, bath or even brush, but nobody gets over a breakup by wearing makeup, a come fuck me dress and hitting a club to get fucked, now the girl that requires some gut even for me and is cold-blooded shamelessness," Jessica stated.

Jasmine rolled her eyes.

"I still don't know who even came up with the idea that being pathetic and gaining extra pounds of fats while burying your face with ice cream is good therapy for the breakup. But I do believe that the fastest way to get over a man is by getting under another man." Jasmine said grinning widely at the last part.

"That's because you never had to get over a man that you have been in a relationship with for years, you don't even keep boyfriends Jas and you suck at commitment, you just fuck em and leave em," Jessica commented rolling her eyes at Jasmine.

Maya sighed.

"It was a mistake, yesterday's night was a big mistake and thankfully Los Angeles is so big I would never run into him again," Maya murmured lying faced down on the bed her words slightly muffled.

Jessica and Jasmine shared a look then laughed.


Maya felt cold water trickling down her face. She shivered. It was so real, this couldn't be a dream she thought.

Her eyes snapped open, shocked and surprised that her suspicion was right.

Her confusion was immediately replaced with anger as she noticed a grinning Jasmine holding a jug of water, with Jessica beside her trying so hard not to laugh, trying being the keyword because she erupted into a fit of laughter seconds after.

"Why did you do that?" Maya asked angrily standing up.

"I did it for two reasons." Jasmine smugly commented unapologetically.

"I'm all ears." She snapped eying the jug of water in Jasmine's hand resentfully.

She had been woken up from her sleep at exactly 6 am and with a cup of cold water, so Jasmine had better have a good reason for her action cause that was completely unforgivable in her books she thought.

"Well let's just say...." She trailed off, taking her sweet time to drop the jug, turning towards her, she smiled. Maya groaned recognizing the mischievous glow on her face and she regretted why she had asked.

"You were moaning in your sleep and was practically murmuring fuck me harder, and it seemed like you were begging for it." She drawled grinning evilly.

Maya flushed, her cheeks already matching her red pajamas, she looked away.

She wished she could say Jasmine was exaggerating or better still lying but she knew she wasn't.

Ever since her cold blue eyes potential one night stand had left her humiliated and turned on, she had tried all she could to forget him, but forgetting him was almost impossible because all her attempts were destroyed at night, as she does have intense wet dreams featuring him.

But yesterday, unlike the other wet dream she have had, where he had gone gentle on her making love to her while starring into her eyes, he had fucked her hard this time.

His long monstrous cock thrusting in and out of her, filling and opening her deliciously while she screamed in pleasure.

He was entering her from behind while she held the pillow tightly, her lips parted, her voice hoarse from shouting, her legs shaking as she felt another orgasm on the way.

"God you are so shameless, I don't even want to visualize what you are thinking of right now," Jessica mumbled scoffing at Maya's aroused dilated eyes as she recollected her dream.

Maya rolled her eyes at her.

"Says someone who wrote an erotica based on the wet dreams she has been having of her professor who is ten years older than her." Maya retorted.

Jasmine gaped at Jessica while the latter looked away mortified.

"How did you even figure that out." She asked in shock.

Maya smirked, happy that she was able to come up with something that was juicier than her little episode and would preside over it.

"I am not the best graduating student in the IT department for nothing." She cockily replied, even though she had found out about Jessica's secret sexual desire for their professor by going through her diary, which in her defense she stumbled upon by mistake and couldn't resist.

It was one secret she was taking to her grave else she was screwed.

Remembering that Jasmine had mentioned that she had two reasons for waking her up and had only mentioned one, she turned towards her.

"So what's the other reason?" She curiously asked.

"Today is our first day at work." Jasmine casually replied.

Maya frowned now fully awake.

"I thought it was next week, on the 14th?" She asked confused.

"Today is the 14th." Jessica maliciously chipped in impatiently, still not happy about Maya's discovery.

"Still dumb if you ask me." She added her lips curling in disapproval as she huffed.

Maya smirked.

Ever since she had won the award of the best student in their department, Jessica just won't let it go, they both were big-time healthy competitors and Jessica who was also very brainy believes she deserves the title.

It doesn't even help matters that she sees the award every day with Maya's name boldly scribbled on it, where it was kept on display, on one of the shelves in the sitting room.

Maya gasped, the situation at hand finally dawning on her not believing that she had allowed herself to be carried away, as she was also just realizing that Jasmine's and Jessica's hair were both damp and wrapped with towels and they both were equally wearing their bathing robes.

She rushed off to the bathroom shutting the door but not before hearing their mocking laughter at her tardiness.

"I'm so glad, my friends find me waking up so late on my first day to work amusing." She shouted sarcastically which was replied with even a louder uproar of laughter, while she frowned chastising herself for oversleeping.

After a disorganized, rushed morning routine Maya was able to come up with the perfect professional dress code, which she thought screamed confidence.

A black chiffon shirt and a black flare printed skirt stopped above her knee. Her hair she pinned and was able to pack into a tight bun.

She grabbed her red Gucci bag, simultaneously slipping her feet into her pair of red flat shoes.

Looking at her reflection in the mirror, satisfied with the serious business-minded woman staring confidently back at her, she hurriedly left to meet the girls who were waiting impatiently for her outside.

They were going to be using Jasmine's car as a mode of transportation since she was the only one comfortable enough to afford such luxury although Jasmine had a beat-up tattooed Camry Maya would rather walk than be seen anywhere inside that thing.

An opinion she would never discuss with Jasmine, because of her sentimental attachment to the tired dead beat car which she nicknamed Larry after her Ex-boyfriend and her only real boyfriend who was currently in prison after he attempted to murder her.

Jasmine never talks about him, and the girls had found out about him through her mother, but they knew better than bringing the topic up, even though it was a little weird that she named her car which she was attached to after a man who had wanted her dead.

Jasmine was wearing a white cotton shirt paired with a peach-colored pair of high waist trousers, her hair was down and was back to its brunette color, while Jessica's long black hair was packed into a ponytail.

She was wearing a black short gown paired with an impossibly high six inches tall pair of heels. The both of them looked like they had just stepped out of the magazine cover of top businesswomen of the year.

They both appraised her appearance, glaring at her outfit.

"Are you seriously wearing that on your first day?" Jasmine asked looking at her in shock.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Maya asked looking at her outfit again, but not finding any fault in her choice of clothing.

"What's wrong is that you look like a boring Nun who missed her way to church and ended up in a multi-billion conglomerate working for the fucking CEO who is also one of the hottest eligible bachelors in New York." Jessica rapped in one breath.

"No, I look professional," Maya replied defensively.

"Well you better get your professional ass back inside the house and change into your nice red skirt, the one you bought a month ago, and unbutton two of your shirt's buttons," Jasmine ordered.

Maya scoffed.

"You can't make me wear such an impossibly short tight skirt to work." She stated defiantly.

Jessica smirked.

"Can't we?" She asked wearing her evil, not-so-innocent grin that proves she was going to get her way anyways.

"It's either you change, or you have to get a bus as your ride, you would be late, sweaty and still...."

Maya groaned, huffing in defeat and then glaring at Jasmine and Jessica who were both wearing a triumphant smirk, she hurriedly rushed inside.

"Don't forget to pair that with a pair of red stiletto heels, you need to flaunt those legs of yours sweetheart, it is a sin to hide such legs." She yelled.

"Yes, Mom." Maya sarcastically shouted back.

She came out a few minutes later watching as the smile on their faces grew, while she glared at them unhappy that they got their way.

The skirt was even more short and tight than she remembered, guess Jessica was right when she said she needed to reduce her consumption of junk food she thought since her backside was totally on page with team increment, the skirt was hitched up further making the slitting at the front reveals too much skin than intended.

"Satisfied now?" Maya asked groaning.

Jessica tugged at her hair releasing the bun she had painstakingly made, within seconds making Maya shoot daggers at her with her eyes while the former just chuckled at her facial reaction.

"Wait," Jasmine ordered and walked towards her, she unbuttoned two buttons on her shirt which Maya mentally looked forward to buttoning, and then brought out her red blazing lipstick from her Peach Louis Vuitton bag she applied it on Maya's lips.

Taking a step backward and studying her handiwork, she flashed Maya an evil grin.

"Now let's see how he would be able to resist you." She stated.

Maya's eyes were wide as saucers as she stared at Jasmine in disbelief.

"I have told you, I wouldn't try to seduce my boss!" Maya started stomping her feet childishly to get her point across.

Jasmine's smile grew even wider.

"Let's get going else we would be late," Jessica warned already inside the car.

Maya glared at Jasmine once more and then they both simultaneously entered the car while Maya sigh at the plush leather that was both comfy and luxurious.

The perks of being rich Maya thought... Oh, joy.