Chapter 1 - The Promise That Day

Some people think that running away from a difficult situation is a cowardly move, but I believe differently.

Everyone should know their own limits, and I very well know mine.

Survival is a human's greatest instinct, so there should be nothing wrong with fleeing.

Surely I'm not in the wrong... right?

With that being said, I believe I made the right choice in leaving that situation.

Nothing good would've happened if I ended up meddling with that girl's affairs, I'm sure of it.

For now, let's forget about her and hurry to homeroom.

Surprisingly, I was almost late due to me leisurely strolling around and looking at the unchanging scenery.

This doesn't usually happen due to my diligent nature of attending all of my classes, but today being the first day of school was a special case.

As I slid open the door to enter my homeroom, there were already a large amount of students socializing before the bell rang.

The popular social groups were near the front of the room, while the nerds, geeks, and loners were scattered in the back.

I wasn't really a part of either group, I tended to keep to myself and only interact when necessary.

That might fall under the category of loner, but I don't actively try to seek out solitude.

Just hearing that word makes me feel lonely.

Nonetheless, I'm what you would call an outlier in this class.

I have surface level friends that I often talk to in this class, but I've never hung out with them outside of school.

Not falling into any cliques, I was basically a drifter who often switched between many groups on a regular bias.

From how I described it, I make myself sound like a loser with no true friends to speak of.

However, that's not true at all.

When I was little, I had a childhood friend that I spent every waking moment with.

All throughout the long days and weeks, we would be glued to each other by the hip.

We did basically everything together such as adventuring, hiking, playing make-believe, pranking, and anything under the sun that you can think of.

Those were some truly good times.

Sadly enough, they didn't last for long though.

Six years ago, we were both separated at the ripe age of 10-years-old.

My childhood friend's family had to move to a far away town because her dad had received a high paying job offer that was hard to turn down.

As a result, she had to move to a place that I was incapable of reaching.

I remember that day like no other.

The day when we were separated.


July 12, 2012

On a bright and early morning, there was a moving truck in front of a household that used to belong to a beautiful family of three.

Standing in the driveway was a young boy and girl that were both 10-years-old.

The boy's birthday was just three months earlier than the girl's birthday, so he was technically the older one.

Due to their families living in the same neighborhood and them having similar ages, the boy and girl quickly became best friends that were inseparable.

They both had thought that they would always be by each other's side forever, but fate had something else planned for them.

Due to certain factors at play, the girl was forced to move away to a distant town with her family, which left the boy in shambles.

"Please, don't go. I don't want to be alone!"

"I don't want to go! Mom and Dad are making me..." The girl pitifully cried. "I want to stay with you forever!"

As the two best friends endlessly cried in each other's embrace, the boy put on a strong face and resolved himself to stop shedding tears.

With his newly steeled resolve, the boy held the girl's shoulders and looked deep into her ruby red eyes.

"I promise to find you no matter what! It might take a long time, but I won't ever give up," the boy exclaimed. "When I finally find you again, I promise... I promise to marry you, so that you'll always be by my side!"

Even though this boy had just hit the double digits age-wise, he had proclaimed something very grand for when he finally reunited with his best friend.

When the girl heard his heartfelt proposal, her eyes happily squinted as she readily nodded in agreement.

"Please, when we meet again, marry me and never let me go!"

With those unreliable words that were not tied by any contractual means, an unbreakable promise was made between two friends that were tied together by the red string of fate.