Chapter 8 - A Need To Help

These peaceful days passed without much trouble.

Shizuku got more and more used to the normality of life here and fit into the social ladder perfectly.

Obviously, she was placed into the higher rungs of the social ladder due to her amiable personality and drop-dead gorgeous looks.

She was invited to lunch everyday by her new friends that she had made, which resulted in Sakura and I eating lesser and lesser lunches with her.

Shizuku tried to make time for us, but she was always being dragged around by the people surrounding her who wanted to get more intimate with her.

Eating lunch everyday with her began to dwindle until it reached the point where we only ate with her occasionally.

It wasn't her fault though, the social pressure was too strong for her to resist.

I can tell that she wanted to eat lunch with us more than them, but wasn't able due to the difference in social status.

Putting aside Sakura, I wasn't the most attractive person, so our rankings in the hierarchy were wildly different.

Why couldn't God make me a more handsome person?!

"Did my cooking taste bad today?" Sakura sadly asked, with tears in her eyes.

I've barely touched my food at all, which means that she must've misunderstood that I thought that the food wasn't good.

"I was just thinking about something..." I explained. "Sorry, I just don't have much of an appetite today."

Even though Sakura had so graciously made me lunch, I just couldn't muster up the appetite to eat it.

"Is it about her?" Sakura asked, with a displeased expression for some reason.

Why did she seem conflicted when the topic of Shizuku came up?

I thought they were good friends?

"She just seemed lonely to me," I said. "Her eyes were telling me that she wanted to eat with us above everything else."

Every time she was being dragged away by her new friends, Shizuku would look at me with eyes of longing and regret.

Maybe that's why I couldn't forget about her face at that time.

I knew all too well about the emotions that are longing and regret...

...because I wasn't able to reunite with the person I promised yet.

This status quo... I won't have it.

I refuse.

Standing up from my sitting position, I looked towards the cafeteria with a determined expression.

"You're going, aren't you?" Sakura sighed.

I nodded. "Yeah, there's something I have to do."

"Good luck then," Sakura replied. "Do your best to bring her back."

With that being said, I left the area we were eating in and headed to the cafeteria.

Once I entered, I noticed a large gathering around one singular table with a familiar silver-haired beauty in the middle of everything.

She looked happy and content on the outside, but I could see how bored and uncomfortable she was on the inside.

Her eyes told me everything I needed to know.

I walked over there and grandly greeted everyone that was surrounding her.

"Good afternoon, everyone," I said, aloud. "Would you mind if I borrow Shizuku for a bit?"

A couple of the people there looked at me with an expression of dumbfoundedness.

"Huh? Who are you?"

"Stop addressing her so familiarly!"

"Isn't it that average guy who sits near the back of the classroom with no redeeming qualities to speak of?"

Ouch. That last one kinda stung.

When I glanced over at Shizuku, she was looking at me with a worried expression.

Probably because I was just taking all of these insults without saying a single thing back

"Of course we mind!" One of the boys yelled at me. "We're in the middle of talking to her!"

Once again glancing over at Shizuku, I saw a small spark of hope in her eyes.

That only further strengthened my resolve.

Although we had barely met, I didn't want her to be sad.

Maybe it's just the way my parents raised me, but I can't let a poor girl cry because of my selfishness.

"Alright, Shizuku," I said. "Let's go."

I held out my hand towards her and awaited her response.

Hopefully she answers me positively or this'll be quite awkward.

Smiling ever so brightly, Shizuku grabbed my hand and stood up from her seat.

"Okay, Haru. Let's go," Shizuku smiled.

The people around her seemed to be stunned when she sweetly smiled at me and called me by a nickname.

Ignoring them, we walked out of the cafeteria and headed towards the normal spot where we usually had our lunch.

"Why did you do that for me?" Shizuku asked. "You could've just let me be and had some alone time with Sakura..."

She had an anxious expression on her face, which was a pity to see since it distorted her otherwise very beautiful face.

"I just did it on a selfish whim," I replied. "You remind me of a childhood friend I once knew."

Shizuku's expression turned to shock. "Childhood friend...?"

"Yeah, I promised her that I would reunite with her again one day," I explained, omitting the part about marriage. "Your sad expression reminded me of her heartbroken expression on the day we were separated. That's why I couldn't leave you alone."

"..." Shizuku was speechless.

After a few moments of silence, Shizuku stopped walking and grabbed the hem of my shirt.

"Haru?" She asked.

"Yes?" I replied.

Shizuku looked at me with a completely serious expression.

"I have something to tell you..."