
In the early morning, the sky was still dark, and there was noisy communication in the Mermaid Hall.

The huge pool was peaceful on the water. From time to time, a few little mermaids appeared and looked at the people on the shore curiously.

At the bottom of the water, a pale golden mermaid leaned against a crack in the stone to rest, and its long pale golden hair drifted away in the direction of the current, and the fish's tail curled in it was reflected in the light fragments.

"Ting Bell~" The breeder on the shore rang the bell, "It's time to eat!"

The little mermaid who heard the sound swam to the shore one after another, and the sound of fish tails flapping on the water surface was endless.

The little mermaid in the crevice was awakened. He squinted his eyes, his pale golden eyes were still sleepy when he just woke up. The little mermaid turned his head and glanced at the school of fish.

But instead of swimming to the shore like they did, they slowly swam out of the crevices of the rock, and the fish's tail flicked out a string of dense bubbles, and then swam to a deeper bottom.

When he went down, the little mermaid grabbed a kelp casually. His sharp nails could easily cut the kelp. While eating the kelp, he threw a stone into a bowl-like stone.

There are already six stones in that stone bowl.

and so…

Today is the sixth day he wears books.

Jun Qingyu sighed. Six days ago, he stayed up all night and finished reading a novel. At first, he was attracted by the introduction.

The beginning is okay. It is about the protagonist Fu Yuanchuan, who has a bad background. With his own efforts, he struggled all the way from the civilian to the high position of the marshal. He was accidentally injured in a battle, his mental strength collapsed, and Shihai almost collapsed.

It is set in the book that only a mermaid can heal this kind of injury, and the inherent spiritual power of the mermaid can reconsolidate the broken spiritual power and repair the sea of ​​consciousness.

However, the serious injury caused the protagonist's character to be uncertain. Under the violent agitation, he himself could not suppress his emotions. All the fish were afraid of being hurt. The mermaid refused to treat him. If coercive measures were taken, the mermaid would directly block the five senses. No one can do anything to reveal the slightest spiritual power.

Fu Yuanchuan's illness got worse and worse.

His family took the opportunity to steal his legion tokens, prompting the outbreak of the interstellar war, and teaming up with his old enemies to fall into the pit. For a time, Fu Yuanchuan became a target of public criticism, but he was spurned at a high position.

At this time, it was time for the protagonist to rise and start a series of face-slaps, but the author ran away and wrote the protagonist directly.

After reading this novel, Jun Qingyu stared at the last 'end' for a long time without regaining his senses.

It's hard to settle until the dream that night is Fu Yuanchuan!

As a result, when he woke up and opened his eyes, he found that... he became a pale golden mermaid.

The little mermaid is no more than a palm, and is about the size of two goldfish.

This small mermaid can't live in the wild for two days. Fortunately, the place where Jun Qingyu is now is a mermaid breeding base.

The only place in the empire where mermaids can breed.

In the interstellar era, human beings developed rapidly and all aspects of the body were strengthened. The higher the degree of strengthening, the more impurities accumulated. The spiritual power of the mermaid is the only power found so far that can remove impurities.

The little mermaids that were born soon will be sent to the artificially constructed sea ponds like this for those who need them to buy them.

It seems that they chose the mermaid, but in fact, it is necessary for the mermaid to identify with each other and voluntarily follow them.

In addition, there are expensive prices and extremely demanding conditions set by the mermaid breeding base.

Rao is so, many mermaids are bought every day.

Whenever someone approached the pool to choose, Jun Qingyu would always hide to the bottom, lying in various stone cracks.

He is waiting for Fu Yuanchuan.


Jun Qingyu looked at the six stones in the stone bowl and sighed, not knowing when he would see Fu Yuanchuan.

Jun Qingyu only remembered that Fu Yuanchuan had been to the mermaid breeding base more than once in the original text. Because of his special symptoms, the hospital couldn't even relieve the spread of the disease. He desperately needed the spiritual power of a mermaid more than anyone else.

It's just that every time Fu Yuanchuan failed to take the mermaid back, his condition worsened over time, and this gave Fu Yuanchuan's family a chance to take advantage of it.

But after waiting so long, Fu Yuanchuan never came.

Sometimes Jun Qingyu couldn't help but suspect that he had come too late and missed the plot.

Jun Qingyu shook his head. All he can do now is to wait.

After eating the kelp, Jun Qingyu trembling his tail, turned around and wanted to find another stone to sleep.

However, when he turned around, people on the shore were talking, and Jun Qingyu vaguely heard Fu Yuanchuan's name.

"His Royal Highness Knoll's affinity is really extraordinary. If you stand on the shore, these mermaids are all rushing towards you. If Fu Yuanchuan has the affinity of His Royal Highness, he won't be refused treatment by the mermaid one after another. It's been a few days since I was out, and no one is going to see if it's dead or alive. Don't wait until the body stinks to find that the person is gone, tusk tusk..."

Jun Qingyu frowned a little boredly, and came again. Every time people who came here to buy a mermaid, they would inevitably ridicule Fu Yuanchuan.

It is as if belittle Fu Yuanchuan to highlight their speciality.

The person called His Royal Highness said lightly: "Who is worthy of being compared with me?"

Jun Qingyu's figure paused. He looked up and couldn't see the other person's face through the water, but the title of His Highness indicated that this person was not low in status.

Had it not been for Fu Yuanchuan's hard work, the empire would have disappeared in the battle against the Zerg.

What kind of majesty can you safely be? What qualifications does a wasteful person have to say such a thing?

Jun Qingyu couldn't restrain the anger that was surging in his heart. Seeing that His Royal Highness Nuoer by the bank sneered and arranged Fu Yuanchuan's appearance, he slowly narrowed his eyes and swam towards them.

The man next to him was the first to find the pale golden mermaid approaching, "His Royal Highness! Look at that pale golden mermaid. He has been looking at His Royal Highness."

He analyzed with a flattering smile: "It seems that he wants to be a mermaid to be your Highness."

"The pale golden mermaid matches my hair color very well." Knoll got up and walked around the mermaid in front of him, lifted his jaw slightly, and walked to an empty bank with an expression of pride and stopped, squatting down towards the pool. The mermaid stretched out his hand, "Come here."

Jun Qingyu raised an eyebrow, come here? This is not here.

The fish's tail swung lightly, but suddenly accelerated when it was about to approach, and a trace was quickly drawn across the water.

"Look at this, the little mermaid can't wait..."

'Wow! '

The fish's tail curled in the sea and patted His Highness's face straight.

There was a crisp 'pop'.



Splashing sea water instantly poured into his mouth and nose, exquisite blonde hair scattered all over his face, Noel got up in a panic and couldn't stop backing, but he didn't know what he was stepping on, staggering and falling.

"Your Highness!"

Jun Qingyu ran off after he flicked his tail. With a flick of his tail, he easily sank into the bottom of the water and swam to hide in the deep crevices of the stone.

In a strategic retreat, the province's Nuoer retaliated.

Jun Qingyu peeped in the corner leisurely, and Nuoer on the shore was already angry.

The smell of sea water was all over my body, and the part of my face that was photographed even turned red and painful!

Noel's chest was constantly ups and downs, gritted his teeth and pointed to the surface of the water, "You...cough cough, where's the pipe manager?! Give me this stinky fish—"

"Catch it out for my Highness!"

Jun Qingyu looked at Nuo's angrily and depraved, just as watching the clown dancing wildly, and didn't worry about what he would dare to do to the mermaid.

The mermaid is a very special existence in the interstellar. It is kept as a pet by the interstellar, but the powerful interstellar must rely on the spiritual power of the mermaid to survive.

Although it is the one being kept, the status of the mermaid seems to be higher.

After all...who doesn't want to live longer.

The administrators of the base will not intervene in this, even if they do come, they will definitely face the mermaid.

Jun Qingyu no longer paid attention to Nuoer's madness, turned over and planned to go back to sleep under the water.

Before he left, Yu Guang swept over a few mermaids panickingly.

What's going on here?

Not only these mermaids, but behind them, there were also a lot of mermaids.

The mermaid who went to the edge of the pool just now seemed to swim back at the same time.

Swim away from the shore.

As if avoiding something.

The shore was also terribly quiet. All sorts of sounds were mixed up just now, like a busy city, but now, apart from the sound of the water, there is no sound of talking.

Jun Qingyu came out of the stone crevice in a weird manner. Could it be possible that Neng Nuoer did what he did?

However, before he could figure out what was going on, he heard Noel's voice on the shore again: "Who allowed you to come in? Get out of your Highness!"

Jun Qingyu frowned, what is this person crazy?

Noel's words broke the tranquility on the shore, and then others spoke.

"Damn! Fu Yuanchuan? What are you doing here! The mermaids were scared away by you!"

"I'm really convinced, can't you stay away from the breeding base?"

"If I were you, stay at home and wait for death, instead of running around and causing trouble to others."

The words are full of sarcasm and contempt, and everyone unites the front at the same time.

Jun Qingyu was taken aback for a moment and realized who the people on the shore were. He quickly poked his head out of the water and saw the lone figure standing on the shore at a glance.

The people around him avoid him like a snake and scorpion. There is no one else within one meter of where he is.

Jun Qingyu pressed the corner of his mouth slightly, looking at the pale man on the shore.

The man looked indifferent and looked at the empty pool in front of him without any waves.

Jun Qingyu felt that Fu Yuanchuan did not seem to be serious about choosing a mermaid and wanted to buy a mermaid.

Perhaps... he never thought of taking a mermaid away.

Coming here is more like a dying struggle, the mermaid going away undoubtedly took away the possibility of his life continuation.

The people on the shore huddled together in twos and pointed at Fu Yuanchuan in the middle, and they kept talking.

But Fu Yuanchuan just stood silently, without any reaction.

Jun Qingyu's heart was inexplicably sour.

There was a 'wow'.

Jun Qingyu submerged in the water again, his fish tail flicked, swimming against the oncoming school of fish towards Fu Yuanchuan.